Originally Posted by IHSAref
Just to let u know I never said that they were the correct anwsers...I did take them off though. By the sounds of it i did not do to well on it but i have changed soem of them since then. Sorry if I have offened anyone!
I don't recommend posting answers on this forum or taking another's posting of answers at face value. There are many extremely good and knowledgeable officials on this forum with much wisdom to share (most of the time

) and you can learn something nearly every time you log on. I know that I do. I'd personally recommend finding a veteran official or some officials in your area that you'll be working games with and ask to compare your answers with theirs. But don't just ask them for the answers. Do the test and then ask for help. Some of us on this forum do that with each other, but we've worked games together and have known each other for some time. And for the record, if TJones1 said you need to hit the books again, trust him... he would be right!