Originally Posted by icallfouls
Your subscription is past due. We will be turning this matter over to our collections dept. You can send your payment, made out to me. I will send you the April and May issues once I have received the $100 cashiers check. 
The check is on the way... along with a $150 shipping charge.
Originally Posted by mj
Tanner, the April issue had a close-up of a plate umpire pointing a strike at the camera.
Thanks mj... I know what to look for now....I've got a feeling it got lost in the mail or thrown away.
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
I think it's paper. 
Thanks Mark for clearing this up... I thought they went back to engraving it in stone.
Originally Posted by refnrev
I wish you had posted this a couple of days ago. I just threw the April issue away. I'd have sent it to you.
Thanks Bob for the kind thoughts. Bob, have you made the move yet to the Springfield area yet?
Originally Posted by Snake~eyes
Just send them an email, I had this issue. I renewed online and apparently it didn't take, so I sent an email to them and let them know what had happened. They said my account was expired, anyways they told me to sign up and I asked if they could send the missed issue. And they took care of me, no questions asked.. 
Thanks again Snake. With this information, I probably won't look too hard. I'll give them a call probably toward the end of the week if my May issue doesn't show up and see what's going on.... Thanks again.