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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 13, 2006, 09:41am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 51
The advantage? Well, let's say that they DID have a time out left. I've seen many teams say, "If it goes through, I want time." (of course, I always wait for a confirmation signal before calling) So, there are times where the coach wants one more chance to set the defense.
But the thought behind the thread is that if you called it, and it was indeed faked, that is a huge advantage to defense, in the fact that they are now more organized to set a defense around the inbounder. If you don't call it, you'll have a coach attached to your hip along with a gym ready to riot.
Conclusion: regardless of how you would call it, always have a great reason, for it's situations like this that can kill or make an official.
"My purpose on life was to not make people happy, it is to make the correct call!!"
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