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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 10:58am
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 14

since when does anything else warrant 3 FT's?

Last night I worked a Freshmen and Varsity game. In between them I sat and watched the JV from two rows in front of the camera dad for the visiting team.

(on a players 3rd foul shot attempt, for...DUH getting fouled on a three point attempt): "was that a flagrant or something? why is she getting 3 FT's?"

And from the 8yr old sitting right in between his parents in the top row after my partner made an obvious call "you SUCK" he was a loud little booger.

Then during my V game, with ONLY 3 DEFENSIVE players in the lane, no one else even close... THREE SECONDS-THREE SECONDS-THREE-SECONDS.

unfortunately, it will probably never be appropriate for me to use my ultimate comeback (or 2),

refs suck - fans blow
I don't suck I blow, my whistle doesn't work in reverse.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 12:02pm
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Originally posted by tweetz

And from the 8yr old sitting right in between his parents in the top row after my partner made an obvious call "you SUCK" he was a loud little booger.

I see the parents are starting him off young

As for the 3 seconds chant with only defensive players in the lane...they sound as smart as the boys JV coach I had last night. I heard him yelling for a 3 second call while at lead and there was NOBODY in the lane...and hadn't been for the entire possession.
I didn't say it was your fault...I said I was going to blame you.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 12:54pm
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Mine was even worse on Monday night. GJV game, 3rd. qtr., Home inbounds the ball headed up court toward their front court. I'm trail table side and just as we get even with visitor's bench, the coach looks at me and starts yelling "3 seconds", "3 seconds". As I pass her, I tell her that she might want to at least wait until the ball is in the front court. Her response was "What difference does it make?" Just freakin unbelievable!
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 01:20pm
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I've posted this before but here goes....

I have a double foul under the basket. As I report the double foul stating both colors and both numbers and using the correct both fists out to my side mechanic, a fan yells out....

You need to call it both ways....

"Some guys they just give up living, and start dying little by little, piece by piece. Some guys come home from work and wash-up, and they go Racing In The Street." - Springsteen, 1978
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 01:22pm
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Coach to players: "We gotta foul to stop the clock."
B player makes contact with A dribbler.
Me: "tweet-foul"
Coach: "You're gonna call a foul on that?"
Me: "sigh"
Fan: "O-COME ON REF, he barely touched him enough to knock em over."
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 01:27pm
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Had a free evening last night, so I went with my son to his HS last games...Girl's V/Boy's V double-header...ended up sitting with a group of parents - at least for a while...things I heard from them:

1)screaming for 10 second violation when only 5 seconds had come off game clock - pointed that out to them and was told "They had 5 seconds to throw it in, plus the 5 seconds they were dribbling. That makes 10." Just sat and looked at the guy for a few seconds...

2)Over the back screamed about 50 times when their 6'2" center outrebounded our 5'10" center (girl's game)...sigh.

3)Guard trapped in the baseline corner, frontcourt...jumps and throws a pass clear to other end of court where point guard tracks it down. Over-and-back called by official. Dad starts screaming that it can't be over-and-back because (and I quote here) "He was trapped. You can't call that when he's trapped!" I tried to explain it to him, and his reply was "You must suck as bad as them"...

So I went and sat with the visitor's parents...they were pretty nice people.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 01:57pm
Courageous When Prudent
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Girls Varsity.

Visiting Team (Blue) wins tap. Home Team (White) commits a common foul during first possession. Blue inbounds, misses shot, white rebounds, goes up court and ends up throwing the ball away. Blue's 2nd possession, White commits another common file. After Blue inbound, White hammers Blue during a shot. I'm the trail for free throw. Fan 2 rows up yells out "you need to call it on both ends of the court", I reply "we've only been up that end one time, I haven't had a chance to call it on both ends".

Silver lining: after that 3rd foul White's assistant coach yells at his players "I told y'all you couldn't come out here playing defense like you do in practice". White only committed 2 more fouls the rest of the 1st half.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 02:35pm
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not from the stands, but that's where he should be

1 week ago yesterday, Girls Soph.

White up by 25 at the break, beginning of 4th quarter (still up by over 20) white's starters still on the floor.

Red1 drives into lane, slips, begins to fall and passes out to Red2 on the wing. Red1 falls down, gets up and hustles out of the lane.

White coach says to me (in the trail) "Oh comeon, there's no way you can fall down and get up in 3 seconds - you gotta call that if he won't (refering to my partner in lead)"

I was dumbstruck - running up the score AND whining about a call no one their right mind would make! Wish now I would've T'd him for "being a jackass" - that's in the book somewhere right?

I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but what you fail to realize is that what you heard is not really what I meant.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 02:48pm
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Boys V game a few weeks back. I'm trail following ball up the floor. A1 fumbles dribble and B1 dives for ball. B1 gets possesion, coming to rest on his stomach. B coach calls timeout. Half the crowd wanted a foul, the other half wanted a travel! All I did was award the timeout. Neither violation happened. The crowd started the chant "YOU SUCK" for the entire 60 second TO!!!! It was the coolest evening I've had this year. I felt like the wrestler, Kurt Angle from "WWE", when the crowd starts the repeated "YOU SUCK" chant.
Don't call 'em all, just the ones that matter.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 03:10pm
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Red face Boys' varsity on Saturday night...

First half...close game...2-person mechanics...I'm L and call a foul in the lane on a missed shot against the visitors. Home team goes to the line for 2 shots. Home coach gives me a usual dirty look...and I can't figure out why. We go down to the other end after the FT's. Similar play happens...I call a foul on home team. Visitors are going to the line for 2 FT's. As I'm reporting, home coach, "Jeesh!! That's the same exact foul you just called down there!!!"

I was dumbfounded! And then, I almost laughed. I decided I wasn't going to listen to this guy at all. I wanted to say, "Similar play, similar call. It's called consistency. You know, that thing you coaches are always whining for!"
"Be 100% correct in your primary area!"
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 05:14pm
Courageous When Prudent
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quotes from officials

Single 'A' Boys Varsity/defending State champ with first year coach/3-man crew.

My 'R' is a 30+ year vet who's forgot more about officiating than most of us will ever know.

Home coach is up every other play yelling for 3-seconds, travelling, etc, etc.

Vet official calls a foul and again coach starts complaining. Vet official is standing next to the coach after reporting foul while subs are coming in. I see him put his hand next to his mouth, whisper something to coach, and walk away. Coach has a look of puzzled amazement on his face.

As we go into halftime, I asked Vet what he said to the coach. He tells me, "I told him 'Run Play 41'"
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 05:59pm
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Player gets blocked attempting a jump shot. Screams for a foul on the way back up the court. I tell him "he only got hand"
His response: "Yeah, but hand is part of the ball"
Duane Galle
P.s. I'm a FIBA referee - so all my posts are metric

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 08:53pm
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Re: not from the stands, but that's where he should be

Originally posted by Blind & lovin' it
1 week ago yesterday, Girls Soph.

White up by 25 at the break, beginning of 4th quarter (still up by over 20) white's starters still on the floor.

Red1 drives into lane, slips, begins to fall and passes out to Red2 on the wing. Red1 falls down, gets up and hustles out of the lane.

White coach says to me (in the trail) "Oh comeon, there's no way you can fall down and get up in 3 seconds - you gotta call that if he won't (refering to my partner in lead)"

I was dumbstruck - running up the score AND whining about a call no one their right mind would make! Wish now I would've T'd him for "being a jackass" - that's in the book somewhere right?

Actually, you could have T'd him up for trying to influence an official's call. It's in there, and I don't think anyone would have questioned this one; if it was loud enough.
Sprinkles are for winners.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 09:28pm
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This came from a coach: boys JV game, coach was extremely verbal, had something to say on every play, at one point I was near him, I nicely told him to try to calm down, he said, "What, I can't talk to you guys?", I said "Coach, you can talk to us all you want, you can even stop coaching and do nothing but talk to us for the rest of the game, but you have to do it courteously." He said "OK, I'll try to be nice." On the very next play, he didn't like a call, traveling or jump ball or whatever it was, something very minor, and he looked at me and said, "OK, I tried to be nice but it just didn't work." I almost had to stop the game because I couldn't stop laughing. At least he was honest about his inability to control himself. I have seen him several times since and we now "understand each other."
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