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Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 01:27pm
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Location: Vancouver, WA
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Had a free evening last night, so I went with my son to his HS last games...Girl's V/Boy's V double-header...ended up sitting with a group of parents - at least for a while...things I heard from them:

1)screaming for 10 second violation when only 5 seconds had come off game clock - pointed that out to them and was told "They had 5 seconds to throw it in, plus the 5 seconds they were dribbling. That makes 10." Just sat and looked at the guy for a few seconds...

2)Over the back screamed about 50 times when their 6'2" center outrebounded our 5'10" center (girl's game)...sigh.

3)Guard trapped in the baseline corner, frontcourt...jumps and throws a pass clear to other end of court where point guard tracks it down. Over-and-back called by official. Dad starts screaming that it can't be over-and-back because (and I quote here) "He was trapped. You can't call that when he's trapped!" I tried to explain it to him, and his reply was "You must suck as bad as them"...

So I went and sat with the visitor's parents...they were pretty nice people.
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