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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 29, 2006, 01:19am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 71
So, had a senior tournament today. and the score keepers were keeping up with the baskets, until we look at the scoreboard, and the scores 5-5, and my partner and i are a little puzzled, cause theres been no 3's, and theres been no fouls, and theres been more then 2 or 3 baskets scored. It turns out that the table crew was under impression that the baskets were worth 1. Same crew 2 games later, when they had taken there scorekeeping clinic they were told home team is always white...can you imagine the pandemonium that occured when one team came out wearing gold, and one team came out wearing blue!!!! The table crew was about grade 8 & 9, in a 11& 12 tournament, and mostly there because their teachers forced them to come. So you could not even be mad, but you definitely could see the humor arising from baskets being counted as 1. My partner and I sure did!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 29, 2006, 10:50am
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Posts: 267
For me it's things like that that keep the game fun for me. It would be wonderful if every scorekeeper and clock operator was perfect, but these little things keep humor in the game and make me enjoy it more. I know it is different at different levels and I would not expect this in a high school game, but I have to admit I enjoy these little strange things that happen at games.

For example, on Friday night I was watching a varsity game that was before the game I was scheduled to do. One team was not very good and could not hit a bucket if their life depended on it. Anyway, they inbound the ball to a player in the corner who takes a picture perfect three (or so they thought) and gets nothing but net, in the wrong basket. Even at a varsity level when they figured out what happened even the player who shot it got a good laugh out of it.

Every so often it is nice to see players, coaches, fans, and referees actually get some enjoyment out of the game.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 29, 2006, 11:13am
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Originally posted by johnnyrao
It would be wonderful if every scorekeeper and clock operator was perfect, but these little things keep humor in the game and make me enjoy it more.
When I was much less experienced, and didn't keep track of the arrow myself, I did a low-level game at which the arrow was kept on the scoreboard.

Well, the kid running the clock thought that the arrow was intended to keep track of which team currently controlled the ball. So every time there was a turnover or steal, the kid changed the arrow. I must have given the ball to the same team 4 AP's in a row without realizing it. (I wasn't keeping track, remember.)

It's funny now, but not so much at the time.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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