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Team A player is called for a foul during a rebound. Team B puts the ball in play and is in front court running a play when the C stops play and says the table told him that it shoud have been a 1 and 1 free throw. Do we shoot the 1 and 1 and continue or do we clear the lane, shoot the 1 and 1 and resume play.
JR: rules reference for us? Edit: So I got thinking about variations of this play. Let's say instead that team B was awarded unmerited FTs. Then, A scored 2 points right near the end of the half on their next possession. While the ball is in flight, the horn goes. Should I take away B's points and explain to B coach that A gets to keep their points? I think I just might shut up and realize that each team scored 2 points when they weren't supposed to. Sure, one team lost a possession where they could have scored points, but could and will are different things. Hmpf. Interesting. [Edited by JugglingReferee on Dec 10th, 2005 at 07:59 AM]
Pope Francis |
Did you get that link to the football graphics that I posted over on the football forum for you? Any you can use? |
JR, Team B is inbounding the ball and team A steals it. Then the C stops play and says it should have been a 1 and 1. Do we take the ball from Team A and let B shoot and continue from the free throw? There has been no change of team control according to the rule reference you gave.
"Sports do not build character. They reveal it" - Heywood H. Broun "Officiating does not build character. It reveal's it" - Ref Daddy |
Once A has obtained team control, we have a change of possession. When the C blows the play dead, you would quickly get together, agree that this is a correctable sitch, explain to both coaches that B will shoot the 1+1 with the lane cleared, then resume with an A throw-in nearest where A was then C killed the play.
Pope Francis |
I would like to know the rule for this. Team A was the last team in control. The rule book says there is no team control durning a throw in. Team A steals the ball durning the throw in. Team control has not changed.
Team A was in control. Team A fouled Team B durning a rebound. Still no team control for team B. Team B throws the ball in bounds (no team control durning the throw in) Team A steals the inbound pass. Center Official stops play and said it should have been a 1 and 1. According to the rule you gave me, team A would lose the ball because you said we would shoot the 1 and 1 and play from there. I hope this is clear. |
The only way that you can have a correctible error on this play, with a team B player shooting a 1/1 is if the original foul on the rebound by the A player happened before player and team control were established. That would mean no team control was ever established. However, as Bob Jenkins said in his post, the steal will count as a change of team control for the purposes of this rule. That's why R2-10-6 cited below is the applicable rule and Juggling Ref's last answer was correct. Hope I didn't confuse you more with that. ![]() |
There is no team control durning a rebound. It would be impossible for team A to commit a player control foul durning a rebound. My point is team A was the last team in control untill official stopped play because table told him it should be 1 and 1. You said if no team control has changed then you would just shoot the 1 and 1 and go from the free throw. If that is the rule then A will lose the ball. |
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