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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 01:08pm
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Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
Originally posted by ColdShot
If the assistant does *not* leave the bench, asks for a call,
but does not scream, what is an appropriate response?
I agree with a lot of what has been said already. It depends on how far off the bench the AC was and what his tone is/was? If he was showing an official up then T him immediately; however, dont be too quick to hit the TWEETER and hand out a T. I never speak to AC just to HC's. If you give the HC and stern stiff warning such as: "you are the only one allowed up off the bench and your AC needs to have a seat and stop yelling...if not its gonna cost you your box." I know this will work. I just recently, this year, started coaching and hung the wistle up for a few years. In our game last night, I was all over the place, coaching from tip to final horn. I was never yelling at an official or even asking for a call, just coaching my players. I was outta the box more than in, but I was coaching. I think officials will grant you this as long as your not at mid court screaming at them....coaching is one thing and lobbying for calls is another.

The reason I say this is because I value my priviledge as a coach to walk the sideline and COACH. Most coaches do. So if you, as an official, issue a stern warning to a HC about his AC, then most of the time the HC will take care of the situation.
In PA you would be given one warning to stay in the box. The regional evaluators are tying enforcement of the coaches box to playoff opportunities. Around here, at least thus far this season, the box is getting special emphasis.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 02:19pm
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Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
As I said, I am not officiating this season, I'm coaching. So I wasnt at the meetings this year. The way I see things is this...if a coach is outta the box yelling at an official about a call then get him/her back in the box...but if a coach is coaching the game then nothing is being hurt IMO.
While I agree, it's not how the FED sees it, nor how my state wants it enforced. So, I do what I'm told.

You should find out whether what the two officials told you is the standard in your area.
I agree completely Bob. Had the officials told me to stay in the box and not come out, thats where I woulda been. I'm sure this was probably addressed at the officials meetings before the season. I guess the 2man crew last night didnt want to enforce it. By the way we won 47-21.
This is such a cop out. EVERYONE (ref, coach, fanboy) knows about the coaching box. It was re-instated (for some) so that coaches could rise and coach rather than have to sit the entire game. The name in and of itself implies the limitation that you must remain within the confines of said box or open yourself up to the prescribed penalty. Coaches receive rulebooks and instruction from their local association prior to the season, so they are fully aware of what can be penalized. It is a coaches job to know the rules and coach their team within the rules.

For some officials this is the first warning, you are quite likely to get another warning or two during the course of a game. Now multiply that by 25 games, and a coach has received this warning 50 TIMES!

Now add to this the fact that you have been a referee, you should have a complete understanding.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 02:45pm
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Originally posted by Ref in PA

In PA you would be given one warning to stay in the box. The regional evaluators are tying enforcement of the coaches box to playoff opportunities. Around here, at least thus far this season, the box is getting special emphasis.
We were told the exact same thing (we discussed this over a month ago too). Our playoff opportunities depended on our enforcement of this rule. I have not had a problem with this rule the entire year. I have told coaches to be aware of the box and they comply. At least they do as far as I can see. I am not spending a lot of time looking at coaches anyway.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 03:06pm
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Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
As I said, I am not officiating this season, I'm coaching. So I wasnt at the meetings this year. The way I see things is this...if a coach is outta the box yelling at an official about a call then get him/her back in the box...but if a coach is coaching the game then nothing is being hurt IMO.
If you are out of the box and the other coach is staying in the box, then you are gaining an unfair advantage, i.e., you are able to get closer to your players then the other coach who has respect for the box boundaries.

This whole topic got beat to death on another thread a few weeks back.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 03:59pm
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Assistant coaches are made to be seen and not heard. That's my rule.

In most cases, I find that you are best to give the head coach a single chance to deal with it. They may not like you for it later on, but at the time, giving them ONE chance to deal with it makes for great game management.
The head coach will always take the bait and silence the assistant before he loses the box and gets the embarassment that goes with it.

Of course, if there are some times when the immediate whack is what's necessary. But I would suggest that letting the head coach silence the assistant works wonders and saves you the headaches.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 04:29pm
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Originally posted by truerookie
Ok, I did give the assistant a "T". He is off the bench two steps on the floor. This is a no brainer IMO. I have been observing experienced officials apply some of those warnings mentioned in other comments. It has not worked because they (coaches) know those officials officiating their game do not want to write a report to the state. Both schools involved in the match have rowdy fans, coaches and assistants. The assistant coach behavior was not appropriate under any circumstances. Once again, as a crew we covered bench decorum; coaching box; sportmanship; proper wear of uniform in pregame with HC. IMO, sufficient warning given. IMO, there are too many warnings being given out during course of season.
2 steps on the floor complaining about a call, he SHOULD get a call.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 04:52pm
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Originally posted by RefNVa
I simply tell the HC that if he doesn't control has AC I will T him and you will lose bench privelages. It's never failed to work for me yet, course there's always a first time for everything! :>C
Does this mean everyone else gets one warning each for unsporting behavior?

I thought your coach's re-game dialogue included sporting behavior by addressing the head coach, he/she is responsible for the conduct of their players, and assistant coachÂ’s and bench personnel?

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 06:48pm
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Something very similar to this happened to me on Monday night, actually. Assistant coach stayed seated, but was hollering about illegal screens a couple straight times down the floor. "They're doing it EVERY TIME! EVERY TIME! MOVING SCREEN! CALL IT!" What did I do?

I showed the assistant coach my palm. "No more."

Next dead ball, I told the head coach that, while I would listen to her, I couldn't have her assistant barking at me all night.

That ended that--no more sounds from any coach all night. It helped that my partner and I made absolutely no errors . I will therefore stick with that technique for hushing up assistants.

That said, if any assistant is on the floor and yelling, I'm giving a T.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 08, 2005, 11:31am
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by TimTaylor

I agree completely - I would have done the same in this situation. Direct T to assistant, indirect T to HC, & now they both get to sit the rest of the game.
A direct to the assistant and an indirect to the head coach? I agree with the indirect, but wasn't aware we could also issue a direct to the assistant.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 08, 2005, 11:41am
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by BLydic
Originally posted by TimTaylor

I agree completely - I would have done the same in this situation. Direct T to assistant, indirect T to HC, & now they both get to sit the rest of the game.
A direct to the assistant and an indirect to the head coach? I agree with the indirect, but wasn't aware we could also issue a direct to the assistant.
That's been in the books for years. The head coach is responsible for everybody on his bench- subs, assistant coaches, stats people, eqpt mgrs., trainers, etc. If anybody on the bench gets a T, it's a direct T charged to that person, and the coach also gets an indirect T that counts towards his bye-bye total.
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