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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 07:59pm
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Now we don't have to mention the SEC again in this thread!

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:09pm
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Hate do bust your bubble Dan but yes. Enough said.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:11pm
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Originally posted by refTN
Hate do bust your bubble Dan but yes. Enough said.
Yes what?

You like to say SEC?

Good for you!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:16pm
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A travel with no advantage is a 6th grader accidentally ending his dribble at halfcourt with no defensive pressure. Or (maybe) a guy getting an extra step on a wide open path to the basket on a fast break, when his closest defender is underneath the other hoop.

To say that this 4+ step fiasco, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE, doesn't give an unfair advantage is insane.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:18pm
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Originally posted by Mark Dexter
A travel with no advantage is a 6th grader accidentally ending his dribble at halfcourt with no defensive pressure. Or (maybe) a guy getting an extra step on a wide open path to the basket on a fast break, when his closest defender is underneath the other hoop.

To say that this 4+ step fiasco, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE, doesn't give an unfair advantage is insane.
Yeah, sure, unless you know the supervisor of...wait for it...the SEC.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:23pm
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Originally posted by refTN

Maybe one day we will get to work together and in our pre-game we would have to decide how to apply this or not, either way we would have to be on the same page to be consistent.
Nope, I really don't think that I'm gonna pre-game NOT calling travelling with anybody. Just ignore me. I'll continue to be an old fuddy-duddy and try to call violations if I see them. I'm just not good enough or smart enough to do otherwise.

Btw, make sure that you don't call travelling at the camp you're going to. Let us know how your philosophy turns out. Good luck.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:27pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by refTN

Maybe one day we will get to work together and in our pre-game we would have to decide how to apply this or not, either way we would have to be on the same page to be consistent.
Nope, I really don't think that I'm gonna pre-game NOT calling travelling with anybody. Just ignore me. I'll continue to be an old fuddy-duddy and try to call violations if I see them. I'm just not good enough or smart enough to do otherwise.

Btw, make sure that you don't call travelling at the camp you're going to. Let us know how your philosophy turns out. Good luck.
Now who do you think you are talking to...wait for it... Mr. Big Time like that!!!????

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:29pm
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Originally posted by refTN
I will be learning from the best of the best and they will teach me the same thing I am trying to tell you.

If someone has to teach you in the future how are you telling him now?

I will give you a helpful hint. If coach Guthrie is watching your game and a play like this happens call travel.

Like JR said, this play was made into a clip for a reason and that reason wasn't to tell us to pass on this call or to say this was a good no-call.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:31pm
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Originally posted by tomegun
Originally posted by refTN
I will be learning from the best of the best and they will teach me the same thing I am trying to tell you.

If someone has to teach you in the future how are you telling him now?

I will give you a helpful hint. If coach Guthrie is watching your game and a play like this happens call travel.

Like JR said, this play was made into a clip for a reason and that reason wasn't to tell us to pass on this call or to say this was a good no-call.
And I bet you we'll be seeing this clip next October.

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 10, 2005, 08:39pm
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Originally posted by tomegun
Like JR said, this play was made into a clip for a reason and that reason wasn't to tell us to pass on this call or to say this was a good no-call. [/B][/QUOTE]And JR thanks you for posting these clips, Tom. I've been e-mailing them to all my guys. We'll be discussing them at out monthly meeting tomorrow night. They are a great learning aid, especially for the newer guys(and me too).

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on May 10th, 2005 at 09:41 PM]
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 03:46am
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I know all you guys disagree with this, but I am really wanting to understand why you can't accept this advantage disadvantage philosophy. Yes the kid travels and by all means it should be a whistle, but I say this again, why blow it dead when

#1 The fans and the coach didn't freak out
#2 The kid didn't beat the opponent to the hole thereby not creating an advantage.

This is just like a kid palming the ball. A good official is not going to call him for a palming violation unless he creates an advantage for himself by freezing the player, etc.

If a player after picking up his dribble just outside the paint shuffles his feet just a little bit without gaining a better position from doing so do you blow the whistle?

In all these cases sure you blow the whistle according to the rule book, but what is the spirit and intent of the rule. That is what all officials should base their decisions on.

Did the player try to abuse or take advantage of the rule? If so then blow the whistle. If not, play on.

So once again I ask just for arguments sake, why blow the whistle? Nothing but dead time comes from blowing it dead. What good thing comes from dead ball time? Nothing, but jawing which could lead into a fight.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 04:07am
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Originally posted by refTN

So once again I ask just for arguments sake, why blow the whistle? Nothing but dead time comes from blowing it dead. What good thing comes from dead ball time? Nothing, but jawing which could lead into a fight.
Why waste time explaining it to you? Obviously you won't believe any of us anyway. You already answered your own question above.

Handle it your way- you're obviously -- wait for this-- smarter, better and more experienced than any of us anyway. We'll try and muddle along anyway though.

Great philosophy. Don't call anything and you'll never have any dead time, arguments, etc. Your games must be a helluva little quicker too.

Lah me.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 04:18am
Huck Finn
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refTN, it seems odd to me that you would take this stance with a group of guys who have probably been officiating as long as you have been alive and who are at the level you are trying to get to. It is like you are trying to talk down with an attitude of "I know I'm right, this is common sense." Since you don't seem to understand I will talk to you in your language.

The commisioner (ex now) of the ACC thought something about this play warranted putting it one the ACC website. This is what he titled the clip: "Travel Violation -This violation must be called by either the Trail or Center officials."

Also, I will call Zack Zarba today (yes I have his number), get his email address and send him the clip so he can say what he thinks about someone from his former conference saying something like this shouldn't be called. Maybe that will help YOU understand since he is one of your idols.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 10:32am
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Hey, guys, take it easy on refTN, he has a point.

So when the coach from the opposing team grabs him by the neck, takes his whistle (which he isn't using anyway), and shoves it in a dark place, he'll pass on the obvious tech, too, because he was told to in the ... WAIT FOR IT ... SEC!!

refTN, get some years under your belt before you talk about philosophy of officiating. If you haven't done a grammar school championship game yet (which I doubt you have), you haven't done anything, let alone what you are about to face this summer. You should be an open book at this point learning as much as you can and working to get a philosophy before spouting someone else's words which apparently you have mangled beyond recognition.
Nature gave men two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.
-- George R. Kirkpatrick
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 01:10pm
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Tomegun, stop yackin' and post some more vids!
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