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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 28, 2005, 02:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Just this side of crazy
Posts: 323
Just to elaborate on my original topic.

I was just looking for any additional warnings or sayings one can use.

Captains - OOB and division, warnings for uniforms and hand checks, jersey colors, speaking captains. I also explain for their teammates to go to them for questions as I will be looking for them to show leadership in controling a teammate. I have added bad language will not be tolerated comment.

BTW Johnny - I am at the table at 12:00 to check scorebooks. With a "T" coming at 10:00, I try to head off any scorebook problems by checking early and having them corrected at that time. At 6:00 I get captains and at 2:00 I get coaches. We are then at tableside to take off our jackets and start the contest.

Ohio doesn't have a specific dialogue to be read to captains. There are sportmanship statements read at the beginning of each contest over the P.A. that address players, coaches and fans. At games w/o announcers this is usually omitted.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 28, 2005, 02:13pm
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Originally posted by John Boy
But if you would read the original topic posted by stmaryrams, you might be able to understand me and others.
Originally posted by stmaryrams
Just to elaborate on my original topic.

I was just looking for any additional warnings or sayings one can use.
Everybody completely understood the original thread. Nobody misunderstood the original topic. It may have gotten off-course a little (I don't know, b/c I stopped reading after a while), but the concept was clear to everyone.

"What can we say to give appropriate information in the captains meeting?" We got it.

And the answer remains the same. Intros, floor captains, (any state-mandated junk), good luck. That's it.

I'll say it for 1,000th time. They're not listening!! And even if they were listening (remember, they're not listening), they aren't taking that precious information back to their teammates. So to paraphrase a great orator: be sincere ("good luck"), be brief ("captains?"), be done.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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