Just to elaborate on my original topic.
I was just looking for any additional warnings or sayings one can use.
Captains - OOB and division, warnings for uniforms and hand checks, jersey colors, speaking captains. I also explain for their teammates to go to them for questions as I will be looking for them to show leadership in controling a teammate. I have added bad language will not be tolerated comment.
BTW Johnny - I am at the table at 12:00 to check scorebooks. With a "T" coming at 10:00, I try to head off any scorebook problems by checking early and having them corrected at that time. At 6:00 I get captains and at 2:00 I get coaches. We are then at tableside to take off our jackets and start the contest.
Ohio doesn't have a specific dialogue to be read to captains. There are sportmanship statements read at the beginning of each contest over the P.A. that address players, coaches and fans. At games w/o announcers this is usually omitted.