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Updated scores - Top three spots as of 3/22
3 Blind Mice Group Page Anticipate the play, not the call ESPN Scoreboard Overall Results 1 just another ref, A. McWiggins 470 Duke 2 Tech Fanatics, C. Ford 460 Wake Forest - Wake kills 3 Houston bigwhistle56, L. Jones 450 UNC 3 oc, r. ringling 450 Illinois 3 IOWA Snaqwells, A. Wells 450 Illinois ..... 36 Julian AKA ref18, J. Di Battista 390 Illinois - Ist to 36th ouch! I can't talk - I'm in at 49! |
The final Scoreboard
Props to our champ and 12 months of braggin rights! 3 Blind Mice Group Page Anticipate the play, not the call ESPN Scoreboard Overall Results 1 Houston bigwhistle56, L. Jones 250 200 160 160 240 160 1170 0 97.6 44 UNC 2 Erickson HurtZebra, K. Erickson 250 180 120 160 240 160 1110 0 93.7 42 UNC 3 Cincinnati Larks, A. Larkins 240 120 160 160 240 160 1080 0 90.8 39 UNC 4 Allenhurst PAULK01, P. kASHEFSKA 240 160 160 240 240 0 1040 0 86.2 41 Illinois 5 mj , M. Jandrin 260 160 200 160 240 0 1020 0 84.1 43 Illinois 6 No more N.I.T., M. Dexter 270 160 200 80 120 160 990 0 80.7 43 UNC 7 IOWA Snaqwells, A. Wells 270 180 120 160 240 0 970 0 78.1 43 Illinois 8 Fluvanna Zebra, D. Rothamel 260 180 120 160 240 0 960 0 76.5 42 Illinois 9 Michigan , J. Flikkie 230 160 160 160 240 0 950 0 75.0 39 Illinois 10 Tech Fanatics, C. Ford 260 200 200 160 120 0 940 0 73.4 44 Wake Forest 10 Gotta be my year, C. Elias 240 140 200 80 120 160 940 0 73.4 39 UNC 12 PA tmp44, T. Pappasergi 220 180 160 80 120 160 920 0 69.9 38 UNC 13 Julian AKA ref18, J. Di Battista 270 120 120 160 240 0 910 0 67.3 40 Illinois 13 Tar Heel Blue, T. Haire 270 160 120 80 120 160 910 0 67.3 41 UNC 13 hayblue99 , E. Gerhardt 230 160 120 160 240 0 910 0 67.3 38 Illinois 16 Nevada Entry 1, N. ref 220 160 120 160 240 0 900 0 65.5 37 Illinois 17 oc, r. ringling 270 180 160 160 120 0 890 0 63.7 43 Illinois 18 Mike Oxbig, T. Richert 240 200 160 160 120 0 880 0 61.9 41 Illinois 18 mix U.P., m. chambers 240 160 80 160 240 0 880 0 61.9 38 Illinois 18 Louisiana Dave, D. ratner 220 140 120 160 240 0 880 0 61.9 36 Illinois 18 Blum Entry 1, J. Blum 220 140 120 160 240 0 880 0 61.9 36 Illinois 22 Fronheiser Rich, R. Fronheiser 210 180 120 240 120 0 870 0 60.2 37 Duke 22 Tanner tjones1, T. Jones 230 160 120 80 120 160 870 0 60.2 37 UNC 24 stripes , K. Kinghorn 220 160 120 80 120 160 860 0 58.5 36 UNC 25 Alaska Bush in 2004, R. Lewis 220 180 240 80 120 0 840 0 55.0 39 Wake Forest 25 Trahan bmt89, B. Trahan 200 160 120 240 120 0 840 0 55.0 35 Illinois 25 Brazille Entry 3, D. Brazille 260 180 120 160 120 0 840 0 55.0 41 Duke 25 Brazille Entry 5, D. Brazille 260 180 120 160 120 0 840 0 55.0 41 Duke 29 InlandNW BG, B. German 270 160 120 160 120 0 830 0 53.3 41 Illinois 29 Brazille Best Guess, D. Brazille 250 180 120 160 120 0 830 0 53.3 40 Duke 31 Brazille Entry 4, D. Brazille 240 180 120 160 120 0 820 0 51.6 39 Duke 32 1st Tee Box 1 Iron, J. Confer 250 160 120 160 120 0 810 0 50.0 39 Syracuse 33 General Otis TWhackenator, J. Di Battista 240 160 120 160 120 0 800 0 48.4 38 Illinois 34 PA JMiller, J Miller 230 160 200 80 120 0 790 0 46.6 38 Illinois 35 Hammar Entry 1, J. Hammar 210 160 200 80 120 0 770 0 43.4 36 Duke 36 Connecticut cmckenna, C. McKenna 240 160 80 160 120 0 760 0 41.9 37 Illinois 36 Dan Rapp's picks, D. Rapp 280 160 120 80 120 0 760 0 41.9 41 Wake Forest 38 IA IAUMP, C. McWilliams 230 160 160 80 120 0 750 0 40.3 37 Arizona 38 just another ref, A. McWiggins 250 220 200 80 0 0 750 0 40.3 42 Duke 40 Champaign IL MandMGuy, J. Drozdz 230 180 120 80 120 0 730 0 37.2 37 Illinois 41 Jarrett Entry, D. Jarrett 220 180 120 80 120 0 720 0 35.7 36 Illinois 42 montana zebras, J. Morse 240 160 80 80 120 0 680 0 29.7 36 Kansas 42 Wichita foulbuster, B. Tyson 220 180 200 80 0 0 680 0 29.7 37 Kansas 44 Boone Spiders, A. Cline 230 160 120 160 0 0 670 0 28.2 36 Oklahoma St 45 Portland Prognostics2, C. Zenner 220 140 80 80 120 0 640 0 24.2 33 Illinois 46 Knickrehm Dknick78, D. Knickrehm 220 160 40 80 120 0 620 0 21.8 33 Duke 47 LongIsland Zebra, C. Tranchina 220 180 120 80 0 0 600 0 19.4 35 Oklahoma St 48 Brazille Ch'ville, D. Brazille 250 180 80 80 0 0 590 0 18.3 37 Duke 49 Jb's guesses, J. Blomstedt 250 160 160 0 0 0 570 0 16.2 37 Kansas 50 Tiev xxssmen, M. Tiev 220 180 160 0 0 0 560 0 15.1 35 Wake Forest 50 Waterloo ON JugglingRef, M. Szczur 240 160 160 0 0 0 560 0 15.1 36 Kentucky 52 Dan, D. * 250 180 120 0 0 0 550 0 14.0 37 Connecticut 53 Ann Arbor Fan, J. Rutledge 230 180 120 0 0 0 530 0 12.0 35 Kentucky 54 Wyoming windfalls, c. mathews 230 160 80 0 0 0 470 0 6.5 33 Duke 55 Houston TexRef, B. Batt 210 160 80 0 0 0 450 0 5.0 31 Oklahoma St 56 Michigan MaGis, M. lasdkjfl 200 160 80 0 0 0 440 0 4.3 30 Oklahoma St 57 Texas LarryS, L. Savoy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1680 0.0 0 57 Mregor Maulers, R. Morris 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1680 0.0 0 |
I didn't participate in this group, but in another one on ESPN. Next year, I'd advise going to Yahoo. ESPN's was absolutely terrible. Hard to register for, updated solely, if at all, and no scenario generator. I did Yahoo last year and it was a thousand times better. If you have a Yahoo address, you just need to create a group or join one. If you don't, sign up is still easier.
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