Originally posted by rainmaker
Maintain composure -- which it sounds like you did. Don't let them see any cracks. You're young, and might look like a bit of a push over, so you've got to work on a firm, solid demeanor. I guess I'm guessing here, but I can see this sitch happening more to you than some others. I'm glad you removed the guy and that you told Howard. It sounds like the sort of thing that he needs to know about.
And welcome to the board. It's about time!!
What Juulie said....stay calm, cool & collected. With some coaches it can be a tough line to walk sometimes. You need to be outwardly friendly and approachable (as long as they behave in a respectable manner), but firm and confident at the same time.
And as Dan suggested, don't put up with the constant chirping. I worked a fairly high level Metro JV game last night - on paper it should have been a blow out, but was surprisingly close at the half. Both coaches started out OK, but the chirping got progressively worse, to the point we quietly asked both coaches to ratchet it back a notch or two. My partner & I discussed it at half time, and when the home coach started again early in the 3rd, my partner immediately gave him the visual stop sign along with "that's enough coach". Less than a minute later the visiting coach made a comment & I did the same to him. They both behaved the rest of the game.
Juulie, FYI, I ran into both JJ & her coach in the hallway when I arrived on site, and passed on your compliments for the job she did stepping in to help you out at the tournament.