Originally posted by kdays78
Once again a ugly 7th grade girls game which was one sided (score), but I have a question I think I know the answer but anyways.
Home team White (winning) 1 minute 25 secs the (White) girl under the visiting (red) basket attempts a throw in I am counting @ a 4 count she falls forward crosses the inbound line free hand hits floor (ball does not) then I get a 5 count. I call the 5 count the visiting coach 20 feet away goes nuts I didn't call the violation I hesitated and called the 5 second count. His team was getting the ball back regardless until he comes out on the court screaming so my partner gives the T. I calm the coach down which he was within seconds of bursting out in tears being so worked up (reminder: this is 7th grade girls basketball) His final comment "I am going to report you 2". I really felt the game was a good officated game except this call. I just wish the lower quality coaches and fans didn't have to ruin such a great sport!
Sorry for the long post for such basic question.
I have to believe that coach won't be coaching anywhere next year.