Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by tomegun
I'm cool with all you said Mark. I just wish we didn't have this "running to the rescue" going on. When a member has something happen in their life or officiating career I'm all for someone else sharing this information but I don't like when someone feels like they have to defend someone else. You know rainmaker so this doesn't apply to you but I don't even think the two parties know each other besides this board sometimes. It just seems sort of "cliquish" to me. I hope I'm not blasted too much.
Quite honestly, it's not any of your concern.
Why should you care if there are those on the board who also communicate by email, or even telephone? It doesn't mean that there's not a relationship. It doesn't mean that we can't side with or against someone on an issue. Your view just seems sort of childish to me, as in "They won't let me play with them." 
Nobody here agrees on everything. But there are those of us who have been here several years, have discussed many things and agree on a great many of them. Therefore, we share the same views on many items. If that bugs you, oh well.
I had a long post prepared and I deleted it. Typing words often come off the wrong way and my post could be a prime example of this. I personally know two members of this forum and I would hope that they know through face-to-face interaction that I do not say something that I wouldn't put into practice myself. What is typed might not always be the way things are in real life. I have admitted before and will admit again I probably wouldn't have any problems working games with a lot of people I might disagree with on this forum. As a matter of fact there are some I would like to work with because they seem to have an edge or "unsafe" element that I like. That doesn't mean I'm not going to disagree with them loudly on some issues on this board. At least one member I know can vouch for some of my comments being made strictly to stir the pot. I guess I should always put a

so that is understood. At any rate, I'm sorry if I offended someone. Oh, I don't eat in the cafeteria so I will pass on the invite!