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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 21, 2004, 01:14pm
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I just talked to our state's head interpreter on the phone in person and referred him to case book 7.5.7B (Situation C) along with the 2001-2002 rule book citation that Rockyroad gave me which specifies that the endline privileges end once the throw-in ends and I got nowhere.

Our state is interpreting that Situation C is a spot-throw in rather than a endline run throw-in, not because hitting the ball out of bounds is a violation, but rather because the ball was legally touched and then went out of bounds so team B did NOT committ a violation.

So in NW Washington, we will still let team A have endline run privileges if a foul or violation occurs AFTER the throw-in and the ensuing throw-in takes place once again on the endline.

Does anyone on this board have the contacts to get the NFHS to add a SITUATION D to case play 7.5.7B where a foul takes place AFTER the throw-in is completed and the throw-in will once again be on the endline? Until we get that (or until we return to the wording of 2001-2002 where it tells when the endline privileges end), nothing will change here.


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 21, 2004, 01:38pm
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Originally posted by zebraman

Our state is interpreting that Situation C is a spot-throw in rather than a endline run throw-in, not because hitting the ball out of bounds is a violation, but rather because the ball was legally touched and then went out of bounds so team B did NOT commit a violation.

So in NW Washington, we will still let team A have endline run privileges if a foul or violation occurs AFTER the throw-in and the ensuing throw-in takes place once again on the endline.

Z, here's a coupla things outa the rule and case books of 2001/02, when R7-5-7 was implemented:

1) 2001/02 Rule Book-- From the "Basketball Rule Changes" -"Permits a team to run the end line on a throw-in when the scoring team, immediately following a made basket or during the ensuing throw-in, commits either a violation or foul". From the "Comments on Revisions"-- "To prohibit the team that just scored from gaining an advantage, this change permits a team to run the end line on a throw-in when either a foul or a violation is committed by the scoring team immediately following a made basket or on the ensuing throw-in". The rule quite explicitly only applies "during" or "on" the throw-in, not "after" the throw-in ends.

Of course, as per R4-41-5, the throw-in ends when the passed ball touches, or is touched by, anyone in-bounds player other than the thrower.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 21, 2004, 01:51pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by zebraman

Our state is interpreting that Situation C is a spot-throw in rather than a endline run throw-in, not because hitting the ball out of bounds is a violation, but rather because the ball was legally touched and then went out of bounds so team B did NOT commit a violation.

So in NW Washington, we will still let team A have endline run privileges if a foul or violation occurs AFTER the throw-in and the ensuing throw-in takes place once again on the endline.

Z, here's a coupla things outa the rule and case books of 2001/02, when R7-5-7 was implemented:

1) 2001/02 Rule Book-- From the "Basketball Rule Changes" -"Permits a team to run the end line on a throw-in when the scoring team, immediately following a made basket or during the ensuing throw-in, commits either a violation or foul". From the "Comments on Revisions"-- "To prohibit the team that just scored from gaining an advantage, this change permits a team to run the end line on a throw-in when either a foul or a violation is committed by the scoring team immediately following a made basket or on the ensuing throw-in". The rule quite explicitly only applies "during" or "on" the throw-in, not "after" the throw-in ends.

Of course, as per R4-41-5, the throw-in ends when the passed ball touches, or is touched by, anyone in-bounds player other than the thrower.


You are preaching to the choir. I read the 2001-02 rule to him and got nowhere. The belief here is that the change in this year's rule has voided that. It's not going to be corrected here until one of three things happen:

1) A change in the rule book with wording as specific as the 2001-02 rule.

2) A case book play that specifically shows a foul or violation which occurs after the throw-in ends and the ensuing throw-in goes back to the endline.

3) A clarification on the NFHS website.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 21, 2004, 01:58pm
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My head hurts.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 21, 2004, 02:00pm
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Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
My head hurts.
Your minor headache pales to my migraine.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 21, 2004, 02:15pm
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Originally posted by zebraman
You are preaching to the choir. I read the 2001-02 rule to him and got nowhere. The belief here is that the change in this year's rule has voided that.
[/B][/QUOTE]Try telling them that it isn't a rule change. It's just a clarification of the original rule, and that's exactly how it's shown in the front of this year's rule book. The rule hasn't changed one bit since it was implemented in 2001-02.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 21, 2004, 02:18pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by zebraman
You are preaching to the choir. I read the 2001-02 rule to him and got nowhere. The belief here is that the change in this year's rule has voided that.
Try telling them that it isn't a rule change. It's just a clarification of the original rule, and that's exactly how it's shown in the front of this year's rule book. The rule hasn't changed one bit since it was implemented in 2001-02. [/B][/QUOTE]

I already did that Jurassic. I already did that. That's about the time I gave up. We'll have to get some sort of resolution within our state by state tournament time because the North half of the state is doing it one way and the South half of the state is doing it another.


[Edited by zebraman on Dec 21st, 2004 at 05:16 PM]
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 02:15am
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So I'm left wondering how long after the throw-in his interp will still apply??? For example, B3 throws it in after A2 scored, and B3 throws it to B2 who dribbles for 5 seconds while running around in the 6 seconds, A1 fouls B2 who has retreated to near the by this guy's (and I know who it is) interpretation, team B would still be able to run the endline??? Now I've got a headache also...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 02:23am
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Originally posted by rockyroad
So I'm left wondering how long after the throw-in his interp will still apply??? For example, B3 throws it in after A2 scored, and B3 throws it to B2 who dribbles for 5 seconds while running around in the 6 seconds, A1 fouls B2 who has retreated to near the by this guy's (and I know who it is) interpretation, team B would still be able to run the endline??? Now I've got a headache also...
Yeah, I know. Under the current interpretation, we are all left to figure at what point the privileges end. Rocky, please e-mail me at "kevtrout at northwest dot net" ok?

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 03:40am
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This is a really wacky interpretation!!

The whole point of this rule was to not make the throwin more difficult for the throwing team if the opponent committed a violation or foul before they were able to get the ball inbounds. It penalized the throwing team when the other team committed a violation or foul. Once the ball is legally inbounds, the team deserves no additional consideration.

Any violation/foul after the initial touch inbouds and it is a spot throwin.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 08:19am
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Originally posted by Camron Rust
This is a really wacky interpretation!!

The whole point of this rule was to not make the throwin more difficult for the throwing team if the opponent committed a violation or foul before they were able to get the ball inbounds. It penalized the throwing team when the other team committed a violation or foul. Once the ball is legally inbounds, the team deserves no additional consideration.

Any violation/foul after the initial touch inbouds and it is a spot throwin.
Not in Wa. You too are preaching to the choir.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 09:48am
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Email me with the name of the person giving you this information. I might be able to provide some feedback to get it further clarified....

Also can you provide me more details of your phone conversation.
Seattle Officials - Women's Basketball
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 11:15am
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Originally posted by Ron Pilo

Email me with the name of the person giving you this information. I might be able to provide some feedback to get it further clarified....

Also can you provide me more details of your phone conversation.
I just e-mailed you with all that info Ron.
Good luck!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 01:32pm
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Sent you a reply..........the Key word in that entire rule is the word "ON" the ensuing throw-in.........ON Implying DURING, not BEFORE, not AFTER...............I think I'll make a call.
Seattle Officials - Women's Basketball
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 24, 2004, 11:21am
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I just read all the cases in the 2004-2005 Case Book (again) and rule 7.5.7 is very specific. It supports what we are saying to the "T"..........I suspect we will see something coming out soon.....I will call Todd Stordahl and or Terry and let them know there needs to be a communication sent to all associations and boards.

Seattle Officials - Women's Basketball
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