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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 10, 2004, 12:59pm
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Wow. Thanks. Chalk that up to the rules I hadn't got to yet.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 10, 2004, 01:50pm
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Based on what rule? [/B][/QUOTE]NFHS rule 10-3-2- player wearing an illegal shirt. The silver shirts will be illegal in 2007. The stated penalty is "each violation is penalized one time if discovered prior to ball becoming live for each designated starter and each substitute who enters". The "T"s are charged directly to the players- indirect "T"s to the coach aren't applicable.

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Dec 10th, 2004 at 12:56 PM] [/B][/QUOTE]


Thanks. I don't have my rule book handy but I am with you. I would think that other than white home uniforms would be considered illegal. I don't think it is our job to decide who can wear what based on a school's budget. My hope is that the state Athletic Associations will look at this and provide any supplemental guidance if they feel it is necessary.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 10, 2004, 02:30pm
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Originally posted by johnnyrao
I would think that other than white home uniforms would be considered illegal. I don't think it is our job to decide who can wear what based on a school's budget. My hope is that the state Athletic Associations will look at this and provide any supplemental guidance if they feel it is necessary. [/B][/QUOTE]I don't think that I've ever seen a "T" called for a player wearing an illegal uniform--> wrong color, number too big, freaking curlicues where they shouldn't be, etc. I also hope that I never do see one. If anything is dangerous, fine. If they want the shirts tucked in and the pants pulled up, that's fine too. But the other stuff? I'm gonna white-cane those. Hell, even if they don't have numbers, we'll muddle through somehow. Let 'em play. If I get silver shirts in '07, they'll be white enough for me. Jmo.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 10, 2004, 08:50pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by johnnyrao
I would think that other than white home uniforms would be considered illegal. I don't think it is our job to decide who can wear what based on a school's budget. My hope is that the state Athletic Associations will look at this and provide any supplemental guidance if they feel it is necessary. [/B]
I don't think that I've ever seen a "T" called for a player wearing an illegal uniform--> wrong color, number too big, freaking curlicues where they shouldn't be, etc. I also hope that I never do see one. If anything is dangerous, fine. If they want the shirts tucked in and the pants pulled up, that's fine too. But the other stuff? I'm gonna white-cane those. Hell, even if they don't have numbers, we'll muddle through somehow. Let 'em play. If I get silver shirts in '07, they'll be white enough for me. Jmo. [/B][/QUOTE]I'm with you on this. We are there to facilitate the kids getting to play, not to mete out punishments for "wardrobe malfunctions."

But I do disagree with your numbers comment. I work enough summer rec ball with numbers only on the back of the jersies -- and it's enough of a pain in my back side -- that I look forward to the school season. Then I don't spend half my night asking kids to turn around or give me their number.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 11, 2004, 08:51am
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So what's the point of the rule change in 2007 if no one will enforce it? What if, for example, you get to the game and the team has silver uniforms. You tell the coach the shirts need to be white. He says the school's on a tight budget and they've been saving for years to buy these special jerseys. You allow them. The other coach comes to you and says he is also on a low budget but his school made some fiscal decisions and had a couple of fundraisers so they could buy white and be in compliance. he doesn't think it's fair that you allow the silver jerseys.

Or, you don't allow it and want to penalize it but the coach says "the last crew i had from your association let us play with them".

My only point here is that the rule book is pretty clear and just to ignore it on our part may not be the best thing to do. I think state associations, or at least our local officials associations, are going to have to address this one or we will have problems with how to properly deal with this.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 11, 2004, 01:01pm
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Originally posted by johnnyrao
So what's the point of the rule change in 2007 if no one will enforce it? What if, for example, you get to the game and the team has silver uniforms. You tell the coach the shirts need to be white. He says the school's on a tight budget and they've been saving for years to buy these special jerseys. You allow them. The other coach comes to you and says he is also on a low budget but his school made some fiscal decisions and had a couple of fundraisers so they could buy white and be in compliance. he doesn't think it's fair that you allow the silver jerseys.

Or, you don't allow it and want to penalize it but the coach says "the last crew i had from your association let us play with them".

My only point here is that the rule book is pretty clear and just to ignore it on our part may not be the best thing to do. I think state associations, or at least our local officials associations, are going to have to address this one or we will have problems with how to properly deal with this.

I would make a note of it and tell the board of directors of my referee association. Then I'd let my association deal with it through the state. I know it's in the rule book, but it sure seems like an A.D. issue to me.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 11, 2004, 07:34pm
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Re: Re: Re: Where does it state that?

Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by zebraman

I don't know about other officials, but even if it was a technical foul, I can't see enforcing that for some of the small schools that have severe budget limitations. Heck, some schools don't even have 12 similar uniforms now.

I have already worked two games where some kids wore different shorts than then everyone else on the team. I am not penalizing a team with a T because of that.

Is it written anywhere in the rules/casebook that everyone's shorts *must* be the same color? The shirts are referred to multiple times as the "team jerseys", so I take that as everyone has to be wearing the same team jersey. But other than the restriction on the size of the manufacturer's logo/trademark, does anything else make game shorts illegal? I had this in a game yesterday -- everyone on the visiting team had green shirts and green shorts, except one player had black shorts.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 11, 2004, 08:54pm
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Originally posted by mdray
Is it written anywhere in the rules/casebook that everyone's shorts *must* be the same color?[/B]
Nope. 3-4-15 states only that "the pants/skirt shall be above the hips and worn properly."

If there were a same-uniform-bottom stipulation for each player on a given team, I would expect it to be noted in case book 3.5.5 Situation B. It isn't.
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