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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 09, 2004, 10:31am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 18
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Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by thumpferee
Been thinking about this and wanted your opinions. When I toss I seem to get hit every time by one of the jumpers during their upward motion and my downward motion. So, Instead of tossing the ball up, how bout tossing the ball up and away? HMMMMM Your thoughts?

Remember, I said it first, I have it in writing!
I was thinking that your toss would not be legal, but then I looked in the book. The ball must go "upward between the jumpers in a plane at right angles to the sidelines." Also, it must "be to a height greater than either of them can jump so that it will drop between them."

According to this the path of the toss is not required to be plumb. I guess the referee could stand outside the circle and toss the ball in a parabola within that plane which is perpendicular to the sidelines such that it drops between the jumpers.
Actually, the referee could even stand over on the sideline and toss if he could throw the ball accurately enough to have it drop between the two jumpers.

Who knew?

Another basketball oddity brought to you from Nevada.
At a camp this summer we were actually taught this toss. We made the toss from just inside the circle, so still about 5-6 feet from the jumpers. I haven't tried it, but have gotten pretty consistent with the toss after some practice.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 09, 2004, 11:23am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Idaho
Posts: 1,474
trend setter??

In the past I've had some difficulties with my toss. Used to do a two handed toss and it worked well until carpal tunnel surgery on one hand - seemed to disrupt the strength balance between my hands. So then I went to a one handed push. It didn't work well. It was my surgery hand and I ended up with a bunch of them recalled - thanks partner. Jumpers seemed to anticipate my toss and would tap it on the way up. Then I got my funny bone nailed one time - it only burned for a quarter...

So now I use a new method.
Standing slightly away from the jumpers, probably at least 3 feet from the very center, with my lead (right) foot forward, splitting the angle between the jumpers, I bounce the ball very firmly with two hands. I continue bouncing until I get what I feel is a nice straight bounce. Usually this takes at least two if not three bounces. On this last bounce, still with two hands, I guide the ball up on a parabola so it will drop between the jumpers. I'm watching the bounce motion, concentrating on where I want the ball to land (as if it wasn't tapped), and I don't look up at the flight of the ball until it is gone.

It has been working very well. Nice and straight between the jumpers. The jumpers don't anticipate the up motion so I'm able to get the ball up above them for a tap on the way down. And I haven't been hit or kicked!

It took a little work and practice to devise this method. But is sure beats getting clobbered or having your partner recall your toss. With the one handed deal, to start one of my games, I had a partner call back my toss twice. And rightly so, they were terrible tosses. Third toss was mediocre to acceptable - an ugly way to start a game. It was time to change methods.

[Edited by DownTownTonyBrown on Dec 9th, 2004 at 11:39 AM]
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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