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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 14, 2004, 09:04am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 116
In basketball, of course, it makes sense that these bracelets would need to be removed for safety reasons. Given the popularity of these bracelets, and the news generated by this story which led to the overturning of the disqualifications, it would be extremely prudent for state associations to clarify this issue right now with all coaches and ADs that these yellow rubber bracelets will not be allowed for basketball games this year. Otherwise, I guarantee a few of us are going to have to deal with this issue and be the bad guys.

With that said, I think it's a stupid rule for cross country, and I'm in agreement with the final decision to overturn the DQs. If you can wear a watch, I don't think a rubber bracelet presents any more of a danger.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 14, 2004, 09:22am
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With everything, you have the letter of the law and the love of the law. The bracelets are against the rules so take them off. HS athletes should understand this. HS coaches should deal with it so the officials don't have to. HS officials should certainly have seen 1 of the 26 bright yellow bracelets before the meet started and done a little preventive officiating.

The article said that there was alot of emails sent in complaining. Just shows you that we live in a "it's always someone elses fault" society, and if people complain, they'll get what they want.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 14, 2004, 10:38am
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Posts: 59
Ex-runner/father of one XC'er

Let's just say that once upon a time in a far away galaxy I used to run XC. Hey, remember, our sport (XC) is your sports punishment!!

Secondly, my son was an avid XC runner and now runs XC in college, so I do have some insights into how things are run after quite literally chasing him around watching him compete.

At the basic meet level, from what I have seen here in Mass. they let a lot go. First of all, most meets are not really officiated by "officials". They are handled by coaches and or parents. You know, it is hard to officiate a 3.1 mile course that usually snakes through the woods. So, at the basic meet level, I have seen plenty of jewelry violations.

At state meets or large invitationals, it can be a different matter because there are actual race officials. Remember, some of these invitationals can have over 250 runners competiting at one time. There is no way to do an individual check of each runner. With that said, it should also be noted that much of the XC season unless you live in the south, is run when it is COLD! Here in Mass. it regularily snows during the sectional meets, and in fact, the western mass championship and the state meets were held at where else, but a Ski resort. Race day last year was a balmy 32 with a wind chill of about 10 and light snow.

Given the adverse conditions XC runners compete in, it is very common for runners to add items like spandex, hats, gloves, etc. Although these are not offical uniform items, they are allowed.

So for the most part, XC can be a pretty liberal event when it comes to clothing.

Lastly, what is the spirit and intent of the/a rule. In contact sports the removal of jewelry is important to prevent injury. In XC there is no worry about being injuried by jewelry. Most injuries occur from being spiked or elbowed, not from jewelry.

Is it a good rule to forbid all jewelry? I believe it is, but again, in many of these instances, I have seen a lot of leeway in what is and what is not allowed. If they were smart though, they would ban this stuff from this point on. Although I am a big Lance fan, the runners do not need to wear the bracelets while running.

I would also throw a cautionary flag here and simply say that quite possibly the coach from a defeated team might have tweeked the ear of a race official.

Referees whistle while they work..
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 18, 2004, 03:42pm
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1
more on the wristbands

Just to let you know...only 12 runners were DQd for the wristbands. The rest were for other jewelry infractions. The news including ESPN and the Virginia Pilot will not post the correct information. VHSL (Virginia High School League) notified coaches, principals, etc. in the weekly update on Oct. 4, 2004 that according to NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations )the Livestrong wristbands must be removed during participation and that they are to be considered jewelry. The controversial cross country event took place on October 6, 2004.

[Edited by softballgirl on Oct 18th, 2004 at 07:35 PM]
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