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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2004, 07:19pm
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The list of abbreviations (and the retrograde conversation that followed) in another thread reminded me of a question I had a couple of weeks ago. I know most of you folks (with some notable and respectable exceptions) will at least T and often toss a player or coach for using the F-bomb. What about the euphemisms? I had a game with a player who used "freakin' " several times during the game. It was never directed at anyone, and was not quiet, but not spoken with hostility. "That was a freakin' lousy shot" (about himself). ""This game is getting freakin' awful!" etc Onto which side of the line does that fall? What about "bloody"? What about "Golly, gee whiz?"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2004, 07:35pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
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Originally posted by rainmaker
What about "bloody"?
Careful - or Padgett might accuse you of being a FEEBLE ref.

If the freakin' is being aimed at me, I'm going to have a word with the player or coach. If it's in general, I'd let it pass.

Of course, I do college intramurals, YMMV with other levels of ball.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2004, 07:41pm
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Originally posted by rainmaker
The list of abbreviations (and the retrograde conversation that followed) in another thread reminded me of a question I had a couple of weeks ago. I know most of you folks (with some notable and respectable exceptions) will at least T and often toss a player or coach for using the F-bomb. What about the euphemisms? I had a game with a player who used "freakin' " several times during the game. It was never directed at anyone, and was not quiet, but not spoken with hostility. "That was a freakin' lousy shot" (about himself). ""This game is getting freakin' awful!" etc Onto which side of the line does that fall? What about "bloody"? What about "Golly, gee whiz?"
Several times a games?
"Hey, Bud. Please don't say that anymore. It's kinda startin' to bother me."
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2004, 07:53pm
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Join Date: Feb 2001
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I have a simple philosophy...
"It's not WHAT they say, it's HOW they say it."

Coaches most of the time want to know WHAT their player said...
I simply tell them the above.

The player could be yelling in my face, with his hands/arms flying around and stomping his feet, "You are the best official I've ever had!"
Whack!'s his actions, not necessarily his words. IMO

Having said that, there has been occasions where a player has said a curse word to himself...after a missed basket for instance...if it can't be heard by his mother, sitting in the front row, I let it go for the most part.

To address rainmaker's question specifically...I wouldn't want players running around yelling "Freakin' this and Bloody that"...again, it's their actions. This could be construed as Unsporting, IMO.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
Member since 1989
Richland, WA
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 03, 2004, 10:12am
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Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by rainmaker
The list of abbreviations (and the retrograde conversation that followed) in another thread reminded me of a question I had a couple of weeks ago. I know most of you folks (with some notable and respectable exceptions) will at least T and often toss a player or coach for using the F-bomb. What about the euphemisms? I had a game with a player who used "freakin' " several times during the game. It was never directed at anyone, and was not quiet, but not spoken with hostility. "That was a freakin' lousy shot" (about himself). ""This game is getting freakin' awful!" etc Onto which side of the line does that fall? What about "bloody"? What about "Golly, gee whiz?"
Several times a games?
"Hey, Bud. Please don't say that anymore. It's kinda startin' to bother me."
That works.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 03, 2004, 11:49am
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Posts: 30,533

This is why I do not get so bent out of shape about the use of profanity unless it has a certain context. Because the other words can be just as bad if used in the right or wrong way depending on how you look at it.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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