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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 12, 2004, 03:30am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 235
Originally posted by rainmaker
I was reading the case book last evening. Under 8.2 Comment it talks about free throws taken by the wrong shooter. It talks about what to do if it was "due to a justifiable misunderstanding", and what to do if it's deliberate cheating. Has anyone ever seen this happen where it was deliberate? Has anyone ever called it, or seen it called?
I had it happen early in my career. It was at a 7th and 8th grade game. The coach put the kids up to it and we caught it after a timeout. We just got the right kid at the line and went on like nothing happen.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 12, 2004, 10:39am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2000
Posts: 2,217
Originally posted by BigJoe
I thought it would be really tough to prove that the player went to the line on purpose. I thought the only way to prove skullduggery would be to overhear a coach or player say they were going to go to the line in place of the real shooter.
Some other signs. You call a foul on the floor against a post player, and the hot shot point guard who was nowhere near the play goes to the line. You call a shooting foul and the wrong player goes to the line, and the right player isn't trying to fix it. Especially if there isn't a timeout between to add confusion.

I can say that I have not seen a player of mine get confused except when there is an off ball foul and the player on the ball also got contact and thought the call was on her defender. It is usually pretty clear, and if the players make a switch that looks highly improbably, it is highly improbable that it was mere chance or confusion.

And you use the word prove. You don't prove anything. You make your best call and stay with it. It's not that kind of court, and the standard is different
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