Originally posted by Bradley Batt
Here's the breakdown - spot #1 is closest to basket - spot #4 is closest to free thrower.
#1 - MUST be occupied by defensive players
#2 - Offense entitled to these spots (Defense can occupy if offense doesn't)
#3 - Defense entitled to these spots (Offense can occupy if defense doesn't)
#4 - Can only be occupied by defensive players. Offense can NOT occupy - even if defense leaves them empty.
Also, of course, you can only have a maximum of 6 in the lane - 2 offensive players, and 4 defensive.
I have only worked one Mens' Scrimmage, but where can I find that, or is that a clinic item?
PS: That one Mens' DII scrimmage may have been the most fun that I have ever had reffiin' basketball.