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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 23, 2024, 12:48pm
Esteemed Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Caseplay Rule Changes 2024-25

Interpretations On The 2024-25 Rules Changes

1.19 SITUATION: A1 is, (a) standing across from the team bench while using a headset to give a
radio interview during pregame warmups; (b) wearing a microphone under Al's jersey during
the game for social media purposes; (c) on the bench using a tablet to keeping stats. RULING: (a)
and (c) legal; (b) illegal.
COMMENT: Audio and voice recording devices may not be used by players during the game.
They may be used for media interactions outside of the game (i.e., pre-game, halftime, or
postgame). Electronic devices may be used for the purposes of collecting stats from the bench
as a contest related function. (10-1-3)

2.11.11 SITUATION: The official scorebook shows A1 with three fouls, while the nonofficial
scorer's scorebook, seated at the scorers' table, has A1 with two fouls. During a time-out, the
nonofficial scorer compares the nonofficial book with the official book and rectifies the
discrepancy. RULING: Correct procedure.
COMMENT: It is the responsibility of the nonofficial scorer to compare records.

3.3.6 SITUATION: A1 appears to be injured and an official properly halts play.
(a) Team A's coach rushes onto the court to check A1 before the official can beck-on. (b) An
official beckons the coach who rushes onto the court to check A1. (c)
An official beckons the coach and the coach declines to enter the court. A1 seems to be ready to
play within a few seconds and the officials resume play with A1 still in the game. RULING: In (a),
(b) and (c), incorrect procedure. COMMENT: A1 must be removed once the coach is beckoned,
regardless of whether the coach enters the court, or if the coach enters the court without being
beckoned. In all three situations, the coach may request a time-out to keep the player in the
game provided the replacement interval for the substitution has not begun. (10-5-2)

3.3.7 SITUATION: Officials discover blood on players A1 and B1 simultaneously and direct both
players to their benches and signal the timer to begin the
20-second timer. Team B resolves the issue in under 20 seconds while A1 is not ready to play
with the 20-second timer expires. The official notifies the head coach of Team A that A1 must
leave the game until the bleeding is stopped, the wound is covered, the uniform is properly
cleaned, and/or changed. B1 is allowed to remain in the game. RULING: Correct procedure.
COMMENT: Players are given 20 seconds to resolve any minor blood incident on their body or
uniform. Officials will direct the timer to give an audio signal with 15 seconds left in the 20
second timer. If a player is not ready to continue after 20 seconds, the player must exit the
game. Team A may take a time-out after the 20 seconds to address the issue and keep A1 in the
game. (2-12-6, 3-3-7 NOTE 1)

3.4.4 SITUATION: Team A members are wearing white jerseys with an image of their school
mascot above their uniform number in place of school identifying lettering. RULING: Legal.
COMMENT: An image of a school identifying mascot or logo may be used in place of lettering as
long as the image is placed directly above the uniform number. (3-4-4a)

4.6.1 SITUATION: A1 causes the ball to go into the basket, and, as it is traveling through the net
with no impact to the path of the ball, (a) A2 touches the net; (b) B1 touches the net. RULING:
(a) and (b) legal. COMMENT: The official must determine if the touching by either team had an
effect on the ball. Any contact with the net that impacts the flight path of the ball is basket
interference. (4-6-1 EXCEPTION)

4.10 SITUATION: The game is being played with a 35-second shot clock and
A1 is being closely guarded (within 6 feet) by B1 while dribbling in Team A's frontcourt near the
division line. After 5 seconds, the official blows the whistle and signals a closely guarded
violation. RULING: Incorrect procedure if the state association has adopted to allow players to
dribble while being closely guarded.
COMMENT: States utilizing the 35-second shot clock may adopt a rule modification to allow
players to dribble for more than 5 seconds while closely guarded.
Players may not hold the ball for more than 5 seconds regardless of the shot clock. (9-10-1a

4.47.5 SITUATION: A1 is called for a player-control foul near Team A's basket.
A1 does not immediately give the ball to the closest official and instead carries the ball to the
division line and drops it. This is Team A's, (a) first offense; (b) second offense. RULING: In (a),
the official issues a warning for delay. In (b), the official issues a team technical. COMMENT:
When the warning is issued to Team A, the official will notify the official scorer to record the
warning in the scorebook and report the warning to the head coach. In (b), Team B will get two
free throws plus the ball for a division-line throw-in and the head coach does not lose the
privilege of the coaching box. (10-2-1g, 10-4-5b)

4.49 SITUATION A: A1 has control of the ball in the post, closely and legally guarded by B2. A1
makes a move toward the basket to attempt a try for goal and B2 falls dramatically without any
contact by A1. Without stopping play the official indicates 'faking being fouled' with signal No.
15. Once Team A scores or Team B gains control, the official blows the whistle to stop play. This
is Team B's; (a) first infraction; (b) second infraction. RULING: In (a), Team B is issued a warning.
In (b), Team B is issued a team technical foul. COMMENT: In (a), the official shall notify the
official scorer to record the warning in the scorebook and report the warning to the head coach.
If Team A scores, Team B will resume play from its backcourt with a throw-in from the end line.
If Team A does not score and Team B gains control when play is stopped, play will resume with a
throw-in by Team B at the spot closest to the violation. In (b), Team A will get two free throws
plus the ball for a division-line throw-in and the head coach does not lose the privilege of the
coaching box. (6-4-4g, 10-2-1h, 10-4-6f)

4.49 SITUATION B: A1 has control of the ball near the division line in Team A's front court,
closely and legally guarded by B2. A1 fakes being fouled using a dramatic head bob. The official
blows the whistle to stop play as soon as the behavior is witnessed, and the official determines
it rises to the level of faking being fouled.
This is Team A's; (a) first infraction; (b) second infraction. RULING: In (a) Team A is issued a
warning. In (b), Team A is issued a team technical foul. COMMENT:
In (a), the official shall notify the official scorer to record the warning in the scorebook and
report the warning to the head coach. Play will resume from the point of interruption - Team A
will in-bound the ball from one of the four designated spots closes to where the infraction took
place. In (b), Team B will get two free throws plus the ball for a division-line throw-in and the
head coach does not lose the privilege of the coaching box. (6-4-4g, 10-2-1h, 10-4-6f)

7.1.1 SITUATION: A1 catches an outlet pass near the sideline nearest Team A's bench and is
falling out of bounds when, (a) A1 places a hand on Team A's coach, standing in the coaching
box, to regain balance and stay in-bounds; (b) Team A's coach lightly pushes A1 back towards
the court. Play continues as A1 never stepped on or over the sideline. RULING: In (a) and (b),
incorrect procedure.
COMMENT: A1 is out of bounds due to the advantage created by contacting bench personnel.
Play is resumed with a throw-in by Team B at the spot where A1 made contact with the coach.

10.1.1 PEN SITUATION: The scorer notifies an official five minutes before the scheduled start
time that two starters for Team A have the same number listed in the scorebook. With two
minutes left in pregame a teammate from Team B dunks the ball. While the teams are heading
to their benches, with seconds left in pre-game, A1 and B1 exchange taunting language.
RULING: The two technical fouls for Team A and the two for Team B offset. Play is started with a
jump ball. COMMENT: When pregame administrative, team and/or bench technical fouls occur
by each team in equal numbers, they offset. Each team will begin the game with two team
technical fouls. No free throws are shot and both coaches lose the privilege of the coaching box.
(10-1-2 PENALTY, 10-2-7 PENALTY, 10-5-1 PENALTY)

10.2.7 SITUATION: During pregame warmups A1 dunks the ball. The official issues a team
technical and notifies the scorer and the head coach of Team A.
RULING: Correct procedure. COMMENT: Team B is awarded two free throws and the ball for a
division-line throw-in to start the game.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Oct 23, 2024 at 01:25pm.
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