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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 27, 2003, 10:24pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 858
American Legion Game

Runner on third with one out. As the pitcher delivers the pitch, the runner breaks for home and the batter swings and foul tips the ball and takes a step towards first base. As the plate umpire I signal foul tip and a strike as the runner from third base slides under the catcher's tag. I signal safe. I saw no interference on the batter.

The defensive coach went nuts, I grant him time and listen to him tell me the batter interferred with his catcher's play at home, I explain to him what I saw and that in my judgement I have strke one one the batter and the runner from third scoring with no interference.

The defensive coach asked me to get help from my partner who was in the C position. My partener tells me that he saw the tip from the batter but became blocked out by R5 who broke for home with the runner.

I then explained to the defensive coach that my call stands, strike one on the batter, no interference and the run socres.

Any suggestions?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 28, 2003, 04:14am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561
Originally posted by MichaelVA2000
American Legion Game

Runner on third with one out. As the pitcher delivers the pitch, the runner breaks for home and the batter swings and foul tips the ball and takes a step towards first base. As the plate umpire I signal foul tip and a strike as the runner from third base slides under the catcher's tag. I signal safe. I saw no interference on the batter.

The defensive coach went nuts, I grant him time and listen to him tell me the batter interferred with his catcher's play at home, I explain to him what I saw and that in my judgement I have strke one one the batter and the runner from third scoring with no interference.

The defensive coach asked me to get help from my partner who was in the C position. My partener tells me that he saw the tip from the batter but became blocked out by R5 who broke for home with the runner.

I then explained to the defensive coach that my call stands, strike one on the batter, no interference and the run socres.

Any suggestions?

Sure. Try the following dialogue next time:
    Coach: Time! Blue that #@$%^ batter interferred with my catcher on that play!

    Umpire: In my judgement there was no interference. Runner is safe. Count is 0-1.

    Coach: You gotta get some help on that call, Blue

    Umpire: That's my call. I've made my decision and you've had my explanation. Let's play ball.

    Coach: But, Blue ...

    Umpire: Are you arguing my judgement on that play, Skip?

    Coach: Er ... um ... but he ... {fix his eyes with your glare - he'll quickly get the message}

    Umpire: Play!
Don't go to your partner after you've made your call on the play. Listen to the coach gripe, by all means, but don't believe you need to get help just because a coach wants you to even though you know you've seen it all and made the correct call.

When you've made a judgement decision DO NOT encourage coach's, players or managers to behave contrary to the rules by questioning your decision. If you are quick enough, you could even lead off with a stop sign and, "Skip, don't be coming to me to argue a judgement call".

Hope this helps.
Warren Willson
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 28, 2003, 07:35am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 1,772

Maybe I missed something, but just how was he supposed to have interfered?

From what I read it sounds like the batter did his job, F2 did his job, just good baserunning.

Coaches often like to argue to cover their own players lack of ability to make the play.

As for handling the coach, I like what Warren said.

Coach, that's my call, this is what I saw, let's play ball.

What are you supposed to be asking for help with? As you noted your partner could NOT see anything, and you were 5 feet from the play with a great view of the play.

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