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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 29, 2012, 08:27pm
Is this a legal title?
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Could that be because we have very little good baseball in this area of the country? I would not think for one second that in the overall picture we see nearly as good of baseball as those see in the south and the western part of the country. Now "qualified" is always going to be a judgment call. And I do not sit around wondering why guys from this area are or are not in that pipeline. Unless I am missing something, there are not many Midwestern teams that make it to the College World Series as a norm and I would think the fact we do not see that kind of ball might not help either. I am not saying he is not right, but that is my first guess based what I see.

That doesn't explain the three guys from metropolitan Lansing, MI who each go once every three years. It's very much a who-you-know system in the midwest.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 29, 2012, 09:05pm
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Originally Posted by Publius View Post
That doesn't explain the three guys from metropolitan Lansing, MI who each go once every three years. It's very much a who-you-know system in the midwest.
It is that way anyway. No one is coming out to see you work baseball in the Midwest or a camp where everyone has to prove they deserve to be hired.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 29, 2012, 09:14pm
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You mean the camp(s) where you pay for the privilege of being assigned non-paying fall ball games, which then gets you an automatic assignment to next spring's D3 conference tournaments, conveniently assigned by...well, lookey here...the guy who ran the aforementioned, previous fall camp.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 29, 2012, 09:29pm
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Originally Posted by UMP25 View Post
You mean the camp(s) where you pay for the privilege of being assigned non-paying fall ball games, which then gets you an automatic assignment to next spring's D3 conference tournaments, conveniently assigned by...well, lookey here...the guy who ran the aforementioned, previous fall camp.
No I mean a camp run by the D1 conferences where they identify talent that can work the conference in the future.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 29, 2012, 09:31pm
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I know what you meant.

BTW, those camps don't always do what you think they do. It still is a lot of whom you know or how much of a buddy-buddy one is to certain people.

Anyway, enough of all this. Back on topic.
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  #81 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 30, 2012, 12:13am
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Originally Posted by UMP25 View Post
I know what you meant.

BTW, those camps don't always do what you think they do. It still is a lot of whom you know or how much of a buddy-buddy one is to certain people.
One of my assigners put it this way: You don't get D-1 assignments with talent and no networking and you don't get D-1 assignments with networking and no talent.
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 30, 2012, 12:21am
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Originally Posted by UMP25 View Post
I know what you meant.

BTW, those camps don't always do what you think they do. It still is a lot of whom you know or how much of a buddy-buddy one is to certain people.

Anyway, enough of all this. Back on topic.
Well that is obvious. And why many never get a chance or get to the point they can work higher level games.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 18, 2012, 01:25pm
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Just an update on this

Well, Vern Hasty was back in the league after a mere 4-game suspension, and I was out. Then I was back in, having worked a game on July 5th with a young new guy. Now I'm out, and there's not enough money they can throw at me to ever want to work in that league again. BTW, some 4 or 5 guys quite the league a couple weeks ago. None were among the 7 guys whom I recommended for work in this league, so I don't know why they left. IMHO, they made the correct decision.

Today the police officer of the Sycamore PD who's handling this case called me to let me know where things stood regarding the Hasty case. Basically, things have slowed down or even stopped for one main reason--the league has refused to turn over any information the police department has requested. Moreover, all phone calls and Emails by the officer to the league for more information have been ignored and not returned. He can't even get a copy of the statement that the Liners Manager wrote explaining what he saw and/or heard about the original incident. The officer told me he has attempted numerous times to call the Liners GM (who's also the head coach at Kishwaukee C.C.) on his cell and at the school, but he has received no replies to the numerous voice mail messages left. Same thing when he has tried contacting the commissioner and the league's attorney.

The officer closed our conversation by telling me to think it over and let him know where I wish this to go. At a minimum a city ordinance violation of disorderly conduct can be pursued. That's just a ticket, a small fine, and no court appearance by Hasty needed. While that might sound OK to most folks, I am left asking myself, "Why should we settle on just that now that we know the Midwest Collegiate League has stonewalled this whole investigation and has 'blamed' my partner for Hasty's suspension being lifted?" Truthfully, I would love to pursue this as far as possible. Why the hell would any umpire wish to work in a league that thumbs its nose at the law and treats its officials like this? Personally, I believe every umpire in the Chicago metro area ought to know this. It's despicable the way they have gone about trying to "protect" themselves.


On a somewhat related note--many posts back, someone here made the comment that umpires can sometimes be among the biggest rats. I didn't disagree with that comment then; I don't disagree with it now. I say this because I know for a certainty that a forum member here personally contacted the league informing them of this thread. Hey, it's a public forum, I realize that. I just find it truly pathetic that a member of the officiating community felt some petty, childish need to directly contact a league about such a thread like this in an Internet forum. (No, I didn't get admonished over the thread; I'm simply mentioning that someone here had to act like a child playing tattletale or something. Seriously, what's the point in treating a fellow umpire like this?)
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 18, 2012, 02:19pm
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Wow, if something happens down the line that goes further than what happend to you, the league has set them selves up for a slam dunk gross negligence suit. I'd bet their insurance carrier would love to know about this.

My first post in this thread ened with me saying "let the league handle this, word will get out as to what happened."

The way they handled this will get out.
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 18, 2012, 04:43pm
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I agree that it will get out. The big issue here is not whether I'm ineligible to work at one particular venue. It's not whether Vern Hasty believes that I'm "as guilty as he is" for making physical contact with him (as the officer and others have told me, defense of property or other persons is a valid reason to physically contact someone and separate the offender from the victim). The sole issue at hand here is, IMHO, how the league has handled the entire Hasty assault, from not suspending him immediately, pending an investigation, to intentionally refusing to turn over requested documents from law enforcement, to suspending then quickly reinstating a possible Illinois lawbreaker--all the while treating the umpires in an unprofessional manner (and I'm not referring to only my partner and me--several umpires were threatened by the league).

I can't see any reputable assignor (the key word there being "reputable") ever taking this league. The league will then become as good as its umpires whom they've hired, and that will be a bunch of amateur schmucks.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 19, 2012, 01:08pm
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Do you know an attorney? A quick lawyer letter requesting information may shake things loose
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 19, 2012, 01:19pm
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Yes, I know a couple attorneys. Both are ruthless, and one is a member of his father's firm, his father being the former chairman of Du Page County. However, asking one of these gentlemen to send such a letter would, IMHO, be an exercise in futility. First, if a police officer gets no cooperation, I highly doubt an attorney will. Second, the league commissioner's (who conveniently runs 2 of the league's 8 teams) wife is the attorney for the league itself. I'm willing to bet she'd relish a battle of wits between attorneys.

Is it really worth it? Yes, my attorney would do this at no cost, but still, the more damaging action may just simply be the fact that no halfway decent umpires are going to be working this league anymore, and that, in the end, may be the death knell for the league. They'd deserve it, that's for sure.
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 20, 2012, 12:25pm
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25% of the league dissolves

We got this press release this morning. Two of the teams simply folded. One was the team that Vern Hasty was managing. I guess that's one way to get him off the field.
For Immediate Release:
Media Contact: Don Popravak
July 19, 2012


Chicago, IL – July 19, 2012 – The Midwest Collegiate League’s Commissioner, Don
Popravak, has announced that effective immediately, the Will County CrackerJacks and
the Illinois Lincolns baseball clubs have resigned from the League.

Jamie Toole, Owner, President and General Manager of the CrackerJacks and the Illinois
Lincolns, notified the Midwest Collegiate League’s Board of Directors of his decision to
resign from the League at approximately 6:35 p.m. tonight.
Commissioner Don
Popravak stated that “each club in the League has a financial obligation to meet its debt
payments to the League throughout the year.” He added, “It is most unfortunate that
Mr. Toole has made this decision.”

Commissioner Popravak further stated the following: “In our opinion, Jamie Toole’s
decision to voluntarily resign his clubs from the League during the season significantly
impacts the fifty-or-so college baseball players, managers and coaches that were
recruited for his CrackerJacks and Illinois Lincolns teams. These baseball players,
managers and coaches are the ones who are paying the very high price of not being
able to continue their baseball development this summer. Additionally, it affects the
communities that supported these players and clubs.”

The Midwest Collegiate League’s six remaining clubs -- the Chicago Zephyrs, DeKalb
County Liners, DuPage County Hounds, Rockford Foresters and Southland Vikings -- are
revising the League’s remaining schedule and will release it on Friday, July 20th. Its
46-game schedule this year runs from June 1st through July 29th. Post-season League
playoffs begin on July 31st.

The MCL League will continue to look for expansion franchises across the Midwest for
the 2013 season and beyond. “We are looking for experienced owners and operators
who share our vision of creating a top pre-minor league baseball destination filled with
potential Major League Baseball prospects and who can recreate the family fun
excitement and experiences that are seen at the Minor League venues,” stated
Commissioner Popravak.

One of the top umpires, a member of my association who had been assigned to work the upcoming playoffs, resigned yesterday effective immediately over issues of back pay. Seems he, like me and others, have not been paid for several games going as far back as June 1st (I'm owed just one game's worth).

Many other umpires are leaving at the end of this season. With the unprofessional reputation this league has earned itself, I cannot see them surviving period.

Serves them right.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 20, 2012, 01:09pm
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Originally Posted by UMP25 View Post
We got this press release this morning. Two of the teams simply folded. One was the team that Vern Hasty was managing. I guess that's one way to get him off the field.

One of the top umpires, a member of my association who had been assigned to work the upcoming playoffs, resigned yesterday effective immediately over issues of back pay. Seems he, like me and others, have not been paid for several games going as far back as June 1st (I'm owed just one game's worth).

Many other umpires are leaving at the end of this season. With the unprofessional reputation this league has earned itself, I cannot see them surviving period.

Serves them right.
Looking at the attendance for some of these games, it's a wonder they even bother.
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 20, 2012, 01:28pm
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Our finicky little friend named Karma sure can be a bee-itch at times.
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