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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 12, 2003, 11:06am
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Lil' help here please!

I know I had this on a thread b4 but can't find it and can't find a case play to help me understand.


Quest 1: R1 on 1st is stealing on the pitch. Catcher obstructs swing of B2 and there is no throw made to 2nd to attempt to retire runner.

Does Manager have choice on this play?

ex1: Since R1 was stealing on the play, can Manager decide to have R1 put on 2nd and leave B2 at bat because he may be the best hitter? And, if so, is the pitch a ball, strike, or a no pitch?


ex2: Have R1 put on 2nd and B2 put on 1st?

or, is there no choice here?

R1 to 2nd, B2 to 1st?

Quest 2: Same situation accept catcher is hurt and runner continues to third base.

Would PU call Time and Dead Ball after
R1 reached 2nd?


Let play continue until runner/runners have stopped advancing?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 12, 2003, 01:03pm
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Jim Evans, in his annotated, has suggested that an option should only be provided on a play where the batter is able to bat the ball, despite the interference.

Here is the passage:

"A play following interference should be construed to mean a play which results from a ball being batted despite the interference. A play which develops after an interference and is the result of a passed ball or a wild pitch should be governed by the award of first base to the batter and one base to any runner attempting to steal when the defensive interference occurs. ..7.04(d) and 7.07."

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 12, 2003, 01:19pm
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Fed Rule 8.1.1e and Note 1

"A batter becomes a runner when the catcher or an other defensive player obstructs him. The coach or captian of the team at bat, after being informed by the UIC of obstruction, shall indicate whether or not he elects to decline the obstruction penalty and accept the resulting play. Such election shall be made before the next pitch(legal or illegal), before the award of an intentional base on balls, or before the infielders leave the diamond. Obstruction of the batter is ignored if the batter-runner reaches first and all other runners advance at least on base."

A runner attempting to steal will be awarded that base. All other runners will return to base at TOP if obstruction is enforced.

Delayed Dead ball

Question 1 & 2. No choice, Put R1 at second because he was stealing or/an was forced because B1 is awarded first.

As unfortunate as it may be, the catcher getting hurt has no bearing on the play.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 12, 2003, 01:33pm
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Thanks Rich, I was just about to clarify that
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 12, 2003, 03:34pm
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Must the batter actually make contact with the ball in order for the coach to have a choice?

Abel on 3B, score tied, bottom of the last inning.

Abel not stealing on the pitch. Batter Baker swings, knocks the catcher's glove off, and the ball goes back to the screen. Abel scores the winning run.

Since Baker did not hit the ball, does he have to go to 1B and Abel back to 3B?

Differences between Fed, OBR, NCAA?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 12, 2003, 05:23pm
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"Must the batter actually make contact with the ball in order for the coach to have a choice?"

Good question. Fed talks about catcher obstruction and OBR and NCAA say catcher interference.

They all talk about a PLAY following the interference, and then, an option given to the coach/manager. The definition of "Play" is the same for NCAA and OBR however it is a little better defined in Fed. Having said that, I guess somewhere in there, the batter making contact with the ball is necessary.

OBR and NCAA seem to be clearer on this with follow-on rules and/or commentary.

Fed 8.1.1 e, NCAA 8.2e and OBR 6.08c

To answer your 2nd question,yes, OBR "runners not attempting to steal or not forced, to advance remain on the base occupied at the time of interference", "the batter is awarded first".

The concept of how to apply this is much easier to understand than the language use to explain it.
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