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Old Mon May 12, 2003, 05:23pm
jicecone jicecone is offline
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"Must the batter actually make contact with the ball in order for the coach to have a choice?"

Good question. Fed talks about catcher obstruction and OBR and NCAA say catcher interference.

They all talk about a PLAY following the interference, and then, an option given to the coach/manager. The definition of "Play" is the same for NCAA and OBR however it is a little better defined in Fed. Having said that, I guess somewhere in there, the batter making contact with the ball is necessary.

OBR and NCAA seem to be clearer on this with follow-on rules and/or commentary.

Fed 8.1.1 e, NCAA 8.2e and OBR 6.08c

To answer your 2nd question,yes, OBR "runners not attempting to steal or not forced, to advance remain on the base occupied at the time of interference", "the batter is awarded first".

The concept of how to apply this is much easier to understand than the language use to explain it.
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