FED or OBR Rules. Lefty in set position on mound; R1 on 1st. F1 lifts his right leg and holds it in that position (for approximately 3 seconds) and then steps and throws to 1st. I know for a right hander, such a move is a balk (because F1's 1st movement wasn't a step to the base; it's the lifting of the leg). Is the same true for a left-hander?
Unless the pitcher made that same hanging motion of his leg as part of his natural delivery (3 sec), and even that is questionable depending on wether the leg comes to another stop and is not a continous motion. I believe a balk would be in order. Lefties can definitely get away with a lot more on their move to first however, 3 sec of the hanging leg is pushing the envelope.
This is a balk. I had this happen this past weekend in a high school playoff game. Same concept was happening, but pitcher was in the wind-up and not the set. However, my pitcher did the samething, got to halfway in motion and completely stopped. I called a balk immediately because of no continous motion. The FED rules are specific about this, once you start, you have to keep going, you may not stop in mid-motion. |
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