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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 12, 2002, 09:02pm
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 23
Here is an awkward situation.

The game is a High School 5A playoff. It is a single elimination game. The score is 0-0 in the bottom of the 3rd. A four man system at the Astrodome. The teams are ranked real high in the state. As a matter of fact one team (Bellaire) has a reputation of being nationally ranked for many years.

So we got a good thing going here. We have 2 outs no one on. The batter hits a shot to right center. I give chase. I turn with the ball in sight. It lands.... I see the contact on the top of the yellow line at the top of the fence. The balls contact gives a loud wood..and bounds down to the field. The ball bounds a good 50 ft where the fielder fields the ball and throws the ball in keeping the runner at 3rd.

The coach comes out to me. He said the wood sound means that it hit the flower area beyond the fence. I stated it hit yellow.

The fence is a huge pad 10 ft high. Who knows what is on top or beyond? He argues and wants me to go to this 10 ft. fence. I am not going. No way. He struts to the fence looks up and turns to the infield and gives a Home Run signal. He then comes back to me. Said I missed the call, I need to take into consideration the sound when making my judgement. I do agree. He then makes the statement to me straight on "Is this why the coach from the opposing team chose me for the game." I stated to him, "The Ball Hit the Yellow."

He then goes back to the dugout.

The coach has a reputation of being a SHOW. Considering the situation would you throw him:

For the going to the fence and giving the signal.
I did not because I knew his agrument was legitimate.
For the statement.
I could not prove it.

By the way the local High School Sports Show aired the play. At regular speed it was questionable. Slowed down and re-played a few times showed it was over the fence.

Mechanically I know I should have set earlier. I was trying to get a little closer. And was moving when the ball made contact. My partners could not tell after asking them after the game.

The final ended with the other team scoring 1 in the top of the 7th and the Bellaire team scoring 2 in the bottom to win.

As an umpire I can handle the stands and the teams during and after the game. It becomes unnerving when the media becomes involved.

So ejecting the coach? Would it fuel the fire? Yes it would have been legitimate, or just sit him in the Dugout. There again it would be conceived as though I was taking a close call and taking it out on him for my error. So I used

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 13, 2002, 08:58am
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The coach's act of moving to the outfield wall and signalling the home run was an act meant to ridicule. There was no need for the theatrics of moving down the line or the signal. He had the opportunity to voice his displeasure directly to you.

That act, in itself, would have been his request to be dumped, or at the very least, sat on the bench for the remainder of the game. His following question:
    Is this why the coach from the opposing team chose me for the game

is merely putting the icing on the cake by questioning your personal integrity.

Whether you realize it or not, the coach was asking for you to dump him. No coach could expect to pull such antics and remain in the game---and especially one of his talent, experience, and expertise. Is it adding fuel to the fire? Yes. Still, there is no reason to accept the ridicule and insult presented by the coach. It's your choice whether you wish to accept the abuse and future risk of its continuance during the game, or whether you penalize his actions. That was your choice. Sitting him or ejecting him were both reasonable and justified penalties. Personally, I'd have sat him on the bench. That likely would have led further to his ejection before he ever reached the bench---he was begging for the ejection.

Just my opinion,


BTW, had there been ANY DOUBT in my mind regarding the correctness of my call, I would have conferenced with my partners and asked if any were absolutely certain that the ball had left the field. Only if a partner were absolutely certain would I change such a call. It's possible your partner had a better angle on the play.

[Edited by Bfair on May 13th, 2002 at 09:01 AM]
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 13, 2002, 09:27am
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Wow tough situation. I agree with everything Freix said, but would add one thing. At the point that the argumnet began, prior to the strut I would have issued him a warning to go sit down or he would be tossed. Once he heads to the outfield after that's it's a no brainer.

Even if he did not get the warning I definitely would have tossed him on his final comment. I don't care if he's right or not. That's ridiculous, childish and poor sportsmanship.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 13, 2002, 10:22am
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Originally posted by brandda
Wow tough situation. I agree with everything Freix said, but would add one thing. At the point that the argumnet began, prior to the strut I would have issued him a warning to go sit down or he would be tossed.
Never, ever, never, ever, issue a warning of this type. IT backs you into a corner. What if the coach had walked to the bull pen and stood there? What if the coach returned to the bench, but didn't sit? What if the coach sat down, then stood back up and continued to yell? What if the coach changes the subject and talks about something pleasant because there's another reason for the delay (unlikely in this instance, I'll agree)?

Merely explain the behavior you want to see (e.g., "Coach, that's enough." or "Coach, I need you to return to the bench now so we can continue the game.") The coach either will know what that means, or will learn what that means.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 13, 2002, 11:40am
Rog Rog is offline
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the board needs a new "icon" - - -
one that shows a coach going up in flames;
cause, he just crashed and burned - you're gone!!!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 13, 2002, 11:40am
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Good point, Bob. I had not thought through all of the permutations.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 18, 2002, 12:19am
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Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 68

Originally posted by brandda
Wow tough situation. I agree with everything Freix said, but would add one thing. At the point that the argumnet began, prior to the strut I would have issued him a warning to go sit down or he would be tossed. Once he heads to the outfield after that's it's a no brainer.

Even if he did not get the warning I definitely would have tossed him on his final comment. I don't care if he's right or not. That's ridiculous, childish and poor sportsmanship.
TIME!!! Never, never, never never never...warn a coach that he/she may be tossed! Why? They are going to push you to see if you do, not to mention that other members of that team will push you sice you warned someone else. That is just another stick you get hit with even if you do end up dumping them. Later you may eject someone w/o warning, the next words..."you warned so-and-so!" Send 'em packing w/o warning, they know if they cross the line, and it will mean much more respect later. Don't get "cow-boyed."
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