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JFlores Thu Sep 04, 2008 07:30am

Instant Replay
So no posts on Instant Replay on the Yankees and Rays game??

It took only 2.5 minutes, In the end it looked like they got the call right.

johnnyg08 Thu Sep 04, 2008 07:46am

Do you think they're trained to when in doubt, signal fair, let A-rod circle the bases...worst case scenario, he goes up to bat again, versus signaling foul, then awarding him the he's got to come out and start running the bases again...not to mention, it would take more time.

BigTex Thu Sep 04, 2008 08:15am

End of Debate
MLB umpires have NEVER had a call overturned on replay. NEVER-EVER They are 100% correct on ALL calls that have been replayed. With that in mind, do we really need replay anymore? The proof is right there in the in the history of replayed calls.:D

ozzy6900 Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:38am


Originally Posted by BigTex
MLB umpires have NEVER had a call overturned on replay. NEVER-EVER They are 100% correct on ALL calls that have been replayed. With that in mind, do we really need replay anymore? The proof is right there in the in the history of replayed calls.:D

I agree 100%!

Hemibee Thu Sep 04, 2008 03:46pm

Dump the replay, it IMHO is the worse thing to hit baseball since the colored balls promoted by a former A's owner or the shorts worn a few years ago by the White Sox's.

canadaump6 Thu Sep 04, 2008 05:30pm

The worst part is that A-Rod is the first person to benefit from this stupid replay system.

Dakota Thu Sep 04, 2008 05:58pm


Originally Posted by canadaump6
The worst part is that A-Rod is the first person to benefit from this stupid replay system.

Since the call on the field stood, he didn't benefit from the replay.

michaelround Thu Sep 04, 2008 09:35pm

The tragedy with instant-replay as a "get-it-right" remedy overlooks the entire context of the at-bat. The 1-2 pitch preceeding the home run was over the inside-corner, as confirmed by replay. It should have been strike three - and no "home-run" question even comes up! That's IF they want to "get it right".

The answer is not to review more plays, nor pretend we're helping by selecting certain plays to the exclusion of others.

Paul L Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:11pm

Insufficient evidence to overturn?
Here is a link to the Yankees website showing the play.

Right-handed batter Alex Rodriguez hit a high fly ball down the left field line. It crossed the home run wall well higher than the top of the foul pole, then hit a stadium wall maybe about 75 feet past the home run wall, and maybe about five or ten feet foul (there is a yellow vertical foul line painted on the stadium wall). A straight line from home to the contact point of course would have been foul, but this ball of course was presumedly hooking. So the third base ump has to make a judgment call about whether the ball was above fair territory when it left the field of play. OBR 7.05(a).

The camera angles were not the best, which would be looking right down the line. Assuming even a soft hook, it is pretty clear that the ball was at least ten feet fair when it passed over the home run wall.

But what if it were closer? What if the ball was within a foot of the foul line when it passed over the fence? Is the calling ump going to think, well, I think it was foul, but I'm going to call fair and let the replay camera make the final call. What if replays are inconclusive? Then the original call would stand. So giving the benefit of the doubt to the home run cannot be correct.

Dakota Fri Sep 05, 2008 07:45am

Of course, if this abomination had never entered the game to begin with, we would have the umpire making his best judgment and living with it.

What a concept.

canadaump6 Fri Sep 05, 2008 01:37pm

After seeing the replay of that obvious homerun, all I can say is wow. Umpires are going to lose a lot of respect for double checking calls such as these. So much for two centuries of tradition. Give it 50 years and every ball and strike call is going to be appealed to replay systems.

On the positive, I wouldn't mind being a behind the black curtain replay guy. Sit there for 3 hours a night, watch a ballgame, make good money, and maybe be called on to rewind a play once every 81 home games.

griff901c Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:25pm

[QUOTE=canadaump6]After seeing the replay of that obvious homerun, all I can say is wow. Umpires are going to lose a lot of respect for double checking calls such as these. So much for two centuries of tradition. Give it 50 years and every ball and strike call is going to be appealed to replay systems.

Am I missing something? They got the call right. How is respect lost.As stated earlier, no calls have been reversed yet. Now that should be respected.

Defense manager thought he could buy one...can't hurt to ask for replay, now that it's available.

Replay has no place in baseball. Period.


canadaump6 Sat Sep 06, 2008 08:25pm

Consulting the replay system shows that the umpire's were not confident about their call. This looks bad on MLB umpires. It's just like appealing to your partner about any play. The umpire responsible for the call should get it right the first time, and not be persuaded to get a second opinion.

SAump Sun Sep 07, 2008 02:24am

A-Rod's HR stroke
Allow those big wireless companies to replace the foul poles with taller cell towers.

griff901c Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:03pm


Originally Posted by canadaump6
Consulting the replay system shows that the umpire's were not confident about their call. This looks bad on MLB umpires. It's just like appealing to your partner about any play. The umpire responsible for the call should get it right the first time, and not be persuaded to get a second opinion.

So MLB put the replay system into effect...but the umpires can refuse to use it citing..." I got it right"...?

Didn't know that........

So what exactly has to happen to use the replay system? What am I missing


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