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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 21, 2002, 04:51am
ac ac is offline
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In 11 year old baseball I called a game (behind the plate) where the home team was behind two runs in the last inning. Bases were loaded and 1 out. The batter hit a pop fly to 2nd base. I called infield fly but admit that I did not call it but once. My base umpire apparently did not hear me and did not reiterate my call.

The offensive team essentially (admist confusion) ran into the double play (my infield fly-1 out- and the player on 3rd ran into a tag several seconds into the play).

The coaches on the home team argued that my call was not clear and unequivocal and that the base umpire did not reinforce my call. They stated that they did not have clear information with which to coach their team and argued that at this level some umpires do not ever call infield fly since a pop up is not a sure out.

I ruled that game was over and there might be a protest.

Did I handle it correctly? I am open to fair criticism and just want to get this right. If there is a protest I want to attend and am ready to fix an correctable error.

Bottom line is do I just have to call it or does it have to be clear and unequivocable? I admit I could have been more forceful and obvious in the call.

[Edited by ac on Apr 21st, 2002 at 05:52 AM]
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 21, 2002, 10:47am
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I'll give this one a shot:

INF in effect or not, runners should have been held (by base coaches) on bases due to the obvious easily catchable fly ball to F4. PU declaring INF is enough, it does not have to be repeated by BU. Granted, you should have been louder, but even if you were, the play probably would have happened exactly the same. Why? Because 11 year olds don't have a clue how to react, and neither do their coaches in most cases. If this coach was so versed in the INF rule, he would have been holding his runners regardless of your loudness, or lack thereof.

Coach just wants to use you as an excuse for their base running mistake. Sounds like INF is not called consistently in this league, which should be addressed. And protesting an 11 yr old game? Coach should just let it go, and everyone should chalk it up as a good learning experience. As usual, adults taking a kids' game too seriously.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 21, 2002, 11:12am
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An INF is determined by the situation not a call by the Umpire. IF both failed to call the INF it is still an INF. If it was called when the situation did not warrant a call, such as two outs or runners not on first and second, it is not an INF.
It is the responsibility of the players, and coaches, to know when the INF rules is in effect.
I am not saying you do not look bad and you can cause unnecessary confusion if you fail to call INF at the proper time, but it is not a necessary element.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 21, 2002, 01:05pm
ac ac is offline
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to clarify a bit more

thanks for the replies. to clarify a bit more, the coaches did initially hold their baserunners. they say I should have repeated the call especially at this age level (where, they argue, it is common for umps to show some leniency, e.g., on a balk call and even briefly help instruct a kid). It was after a few seconds that the kid on 2nd took off. I did stay quiet which they say was in error.

I guess the agrument that bothers me the most is that the rule does state that I should make the call "for the benefit of the runner".

I have found out today that there will be no protest and that the coaches never considered it. It was apparently a parent (imagine that) who started the rumor of a protest.

I just want to get better and improve how I handle that situation.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 21, 2002, 01:17pm
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In FED (High School) rules the play calls itself, even if the umpire forgets. The runners are expected to know the situation, so any other outs stand.

In OBR (Official Baseball Rules) and NCAA, the umpire has to call it, but the official interpretations say to "fix it" and under no circumstances allow a double play if they forgot. As almost all youth ball is played under OBR, you should have used this approach.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 22, 2002, 10:14am
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Originally posted by Rich Ives
In FED (High School) rules the play calls itself, even if the umpire forgets. The runners are expected to know the situation, so any other outs stand.

In OBR (Official Baseball Rules) and NCAA, the umpire has to call it, but the official interpretations say to "fix it" and under no circumstances allow a double play if they forgot. As almost all youth ball is played under OBR, you should have used this approach.
The NCAA / OBR interp is to not allow a DP IF the umpire doesn't call it. This umpire called it. Allow the DP.

NExt time, call it louder, leave your hand in the air wiht the finger pointing up, maybe even repeat "batter is out" after the ball hits the ground.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 22, 2002, 10:50am
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Under OBR you do have to call it, and I agree with other posts that you should have made a more definite call. If the runners advanced under confusion (i.e., was INF called or not) I think you should have allowed runners back to bases with the INF out only. If the runners advanced out of clear intent to take a base, then they advanced at their own peril and double play should stand.

Best rule of thumb. Step forward with finger in air and loudly call "Infield fly rule IF FAIR". Repeat call if you see confusion. Also, you should go over this, especially at this level, prior to game.
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