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Old Mon Apr 22, 2002, 10:14am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Rich Ives
In FED (High School) rules the play calls itself, even if the umpire forgets. The runners are expected to know the situation, so any other outs stand.

In OBR (Official Baseball Rules) and NCAA, the umpire has to call it, but the official interpretations say to "fix it" and under no circumstances allow a double play if they forgot. As almost all youth ball is played under OBR, you should have used this approach.
The NCAA / OBR interp is to not allow a DP IF the umpire doesn't call it. This umpire called it. Allow the DP.

NExt time, call it louder, leave your hand in the air wiht the finger pointing up, maybe even repeat "batter is out" after the ball hits the ground.
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