Originally Posted by tjones1
Larry Young and crew had an interesting finish to their game today. Got'em both right! Anyone else see the two plays I'm talking about? The interference and then the off the bag after the walk?
I saw them. I even TIVO'd them to take another look.
They both got them right--eventually--but the manner in which both calls were handled just goes to show that even MLB umpires can mess things up. Being human isn't easy. The sliding past second on a ball four to the batter is a no-brainer. Why Teddy, who was my roommate at umpire school, BTW, didn't do anything but point was rather perplexing. There was no need to have yet another umpire's committee meeting--the 2nd or 3rd of the game, I believe--to decide something as simple as R1 sliding past second base on a walk, then being tagged while off and past the base.