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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 15, 2001, 11:43pm
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In my first 250 games I have tossed three people and one for taking out a catcher. In the last week and half I have been involved in three ejections.

One, a 17/18 wooden bat division on arguing balls and strikes even after "coach, that's enoungh", twice, and then daring me to toss him, which I said that can be arranged and he still kept going. After he's tossed he realizes he is the only coach and has to forfeit. He asks my partner to reconsider and let them finish the game. Yeah right, then the parents start on the way out.

Two, a pitcher looking for strikes on pitches 6-8 inches off the plate in a 15/16 y/o games. My partner and I just had a discussion on how we were going to stop the yapping, and the coaches join in too. They wanted strike calls on a curve that the catcher catches halfway in the other batters box. After a ball at least 6 inches inside, I said that is enough. When the pitcher throws a ball low and inside that the catcher misses and goes to the backstop. He asks it that was a ball and I said yes. He gives me a look and I said the catcher missed the ball and it went all the way to the backstop. He turns and throws up his hands, "good-bye". My partner tosses his father as well, and I ask if "anyone wants to join him", the coaches stay quiet.

Three, play from right field to the plate, batter probably doesn't think it will be as close as it is, contacts and goes over the catcher (Fed rules) the catcher can't hold on to the ball from the contact. I call dead ball and him out for failing to slide or avoid contact. Coach rambles on and on about how bad the call was. He is reminded, slide or avoid contact. When my partner is asked his opinion he says the runner went over the catcher and the manager comes back with my partner said he was safe. We let the griping go. The other team is at bat and he is still going up and down the bench what an awful call that was. "Coach, that's it" and we get back to the game. He is still going up and down the bench talking about the call, he's gone. Funny thing, after the game we have to pass him as he is watching from a distance between the filed and the parking lot and we are guessing on what he is going to pull. He passes us and says "nice game". Oh well.

In each case I have given them ample opportunity to let it go and each case they keep going. I don't like to give a quick hook, but is this the type of crap these summer travel coaches and players dish out. Never had these problems in school.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 06:56am
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Originally posted by edhern

One, a 17/18 wooden bat division on arguing balls and strikes even after "coach, that's enoungh", twice, and then daring me to toss him, which I said that can be arranged and he still kept going. After he's tossed he realizes he is the only coach and has to forfeit. He asks my partner to reconsider and let them finish the game. Yeah right, then the parents start on the way out.

Edhern, I have a recent post concerning some of these same issues. My last 2 CWBL games have beem nightmares to say the least. In fact my partner and I almost called the game in only the 3rd inning this past weekend. It seems as though when I'm finished umpiring these type games it's like I went 10 rounds with Marciano.

Something has to be done about summer ball. It's like some of these teams do not want to play baseball at all but simply show their machoism All they do is complain.
In fact I'm thinking about not doing any more games in this league next year. It's not worth the headaches.

Generally, speaking I haven't had any problems in the 15/16's. Maybe I'm lucky. Basically, Legion, Connie Mack, Mickey Mantle and the Kofax leagues are the best to do. Very limited problems. Stay away from the men's leagues and now this CWBL league unless you are looking to move up.

The men's leagues and CWBL leagues pay slightly higher FFES, but it's plain not worth it at least for me.

Good Luck!

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 08:00am
Gee Gee is offline
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Two, a pitcher looking for strikes on pitches 6-8 inches off the plate in a 15/16 y/o games. My partner and I just had a discussion on how we were going to stop the yapping, and the coaches join in too. They wanted strike calls on a curve that the catcher catches halfway in the other batters box. After a ball at least 6 inches inside, I said that is enough. When the pitcher throws a ball low and inside that the catcher misses and goes to the backstop. He asks it that was a ball and I said yes. He gives me a look and I said the catcher missed the ball and it went all the way to the backstop. He turns and throws up his hands, "good-bye". My partner tosses his father as well, and I ask if "anyone wants to join him", the coaches stay quiet.
This must be stopped early. The longer you let it go the harder it gets. I have had this happen once this year. In the first inning the pitcher yapped on the first three ball calls. The next one he threw up his hands in disgust. I went to the mound and read him the riot act. Not a peep for the rest of the game and he pitched the whole game.

A lot of the older pitchers try to work the umpire. Can't let it happen. G.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 09:40am
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it's not you

Me and my partner are doing a Connie Mack tournament the other night and here's what happens...........

Bottom of the second inning and my partner calls a ball...there's two out in a nothing to nothing game and now there is a full count on the batter. The Manager calls time and goes and talks to the Pitcher. I (as U2) go in and tell him lets go and he informs me that he's not leaving the field until U1 comes out. My partner comes out and this Manager goes into a trirade about the last pitch. My partner does a great job a listens to him (positive umpiring 101), after about twenty seconds of this my partner informs him "coach, I've listen to you now let's get on with the game". The coach will not leave the partner asks him three times to leave, he finally asks him "Coach are you looking to get tossed over this ?" The Coach got even he got tossed. How could have this situation been avoided.....from our side my partner was correct.....but once again summer ball brings out the worst in parents trying to coach there sons. The bottom line is that they're doing more harm than good. This doesn't happen during the regular high school season but during the summer........look out!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 10:49am
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Re: it's not you

Originally posted by Tom Sprague
My partner does a great job a listens to him (positive umpiring 101), after about twenty seconds of this my partner informs him "coach, I've listen to you now let's get on with the game".
I would think the "20-seconds listening" rule of thumb should not be used when the coach is arguing judgment of BALLS AND STRIKES. Cut him off and do not allow it. "Coach, I won't let you argue balls and strikes." etc. I might've had a quicker trigger in this case.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 01:45pm
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You never should have called PU to the mound. The coach got his time out to talk to his pitcher, PERIOD. When you called the PU out there, you put the coach in control. When he refused to leave, tell him either leave the field right now or he's history for the rest of the game. You and your partner gave him way too much leeway. When the PU came out, as soon as the first word complaining about a ball/strike, he's gone no warning. that's it! You're "letting the inmates run the asylum" to coin a cliche'.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 03:08pm
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Get away from me, Steve.
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Why were you....

....breaking up a mound conference?

That is the PLATE UMPIRE'S job. The base umpire is there to call safes and outs, not manage the game.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 10:58pm
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Some associations I've belonged to have BU break up the mound conference because he's closer.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 17, 2001, 01:15am
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I find that umpires who have real narrow strike zones and/or are not consistent with the zone often run into problems with coaches. Also, common sense goes along way. I worked with a guy who nullified a two run homerun because he said the batter stepped outside of the batters box. (Worst of all he didn't call the guy out until after he went around the horn) Well, according to the rule he made the right call in calling him out but according to common sense, making a call like that can cause a riot (He never did regain control of the game after making this call) I try to stay out of the game as much as possible and just call balls and strikes and safes and outs. We have to know our role in the game which is to let the players play and the coaches coach. At the same time coaches and players need to let us do our job. If controvery does arise it should be handled with respect. If this is not a possibility just get the game going again. If the coach keeps on pushing the issue, he needs to be ejected. But this should be used as a last resort.
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