I find that umpires who have real narrow strike zones and/or are not consistent with the zone often run into problems with coaches. Also, common sense goes along way. I worked with a guy who nullified a two run homerun because he said the batter stepped outside of the batters box. (Worst of all he didn't call the guy out until after he went around the horn) Well, according to the rule he made the right call in calling him out but according to common sense, making a call like that can cause a riot (He never did regain control of the game after making this call) I try to stay out of the game as much as possible and just call balls and strikes and safes and outs. We have to know our role in the game which is to let the players play and the coaches coach. At the same time coaches and players need to let us do our job. If controvery does arise it should be handled with respect. If this is not a possibility just get the game going again. If the coach keeps on pushing the issue, he needs to be ejected. But this should be used as a last resort.