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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 11, 2006, 08:57pm
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i think we should start closing and deleting user accounts.

half of this board is useless bull****. sorry, but you can't deny it.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 11, 2006, 09:48pm
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I vote for undecided.

Seriously, I'm with Rut. I'm flexible. This site is a tool for me, I'm not all that emotionally attached.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 11, 2006, 11:53pm
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Originally Posted by briancurtin
i think we should start closing and deleting user accounts.

half of this board is useless bull****. sorry, but you can't deny it.
The trick is knowing which half
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 12, 2006, 01:33am
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While I think any user should be able to delete his own post, they should never be able to delete any other post (moderators excepted). It is quite pathetic to start a discussion only to delete the discussion when you find out no one agrees with you.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 12, 2006, 01:48am
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Edit your post to clarify your position... sure. Delete your own post.... I don't like the idea because that post is generally a vital part of the thread - with the few exceptions of our known inappropriate hijackers; that stuff could be deleted and the thread could logically continue.

Close the thread because you are the original poster ... and thereby, the controller... no way.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 12, 2006, 03:05am
Do not give a damn!!
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And if you didn't care, why would you bother to try to hijack 50% of the threads away from any actual usefulness.
Name the posts you claim I have hijacked as compared to the ones I have not hijacked? If you say 50% you should have some evidence of this right? What does it mean to “hijack” a thread in the first place? If you read any of these sites you will realize that almost all long threads have twists and turns in the discussions. I just started a thread on the basketball board and it has already taken a couple of different angles from the original topic.

I don't think I could ever be lopped into the crowd of being afraid to hear contrary opinions. I think that label would be more fitting to someone who tries to shut out any true discussions with continual red herrings. Read anything familiar here, JR?
If you would stop talking in code and say what you really feel, then maybe I would actually know what you are talking about?

It does beg the question: If you don't care about any of this why do you waste your (and OUR) time letting us know how inane our little opinions are? I've yet to see a single posting of yours that furthers ANY topic. So, to find out the answer to your own question, I have to ask: Why DO you come here?
As usual you have never really read what I say, you just take parts of what I say and try to turn it into something else. When I have said "I do not care." I do not say "I do not care about anything." I have said very specifically that I do not care what other opinions people hold as it relates to my position. For example, if we are talking about "indicators" it is not something I am going to get mad at fellow umpires for using. I am not going to care if someone uses a punch mechanic as comparied to a point mechanic behind the plate. I do not care if someone buys from +POS over Gerry Davis Sports. I do not care if someone wants to work college ball over working a HS game. I tend to worry about things that are in my life and that affect me. The conversation that takes place here I would hope might be interesting to most, but is not going change what someone does or how they approach umpiring because someone decided to state it on this or any internet site. So if people like you take a position opposite of mine or anyone else, I will not jump off a building because you disagree with me. I have been officiating long enough and attend enough training sessions and been around enough meetings that I am very secure in what I do and how those things that if I share something that might help someone, it is up to those to take what they like and throw out what they do not like. Not all comments or opinions are going to apply to everyone here. As stated before, this place is just a tool that I use but when it is all said and done I could take it or leave it.

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 12, 2006, 04:08am
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.
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Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
I am a member and moderator of another board that uses this same (new) software.

On that board, members CANNOT delete their own posts so can't delete threads) or lock threads. A post can essentially be deleted by going in and editing the content out.

Too many times a good thread is started and the original poster decides he doesn't like the way the thread is going and all of a sudden the thread is gone or locked. Only the moderator should have that power and it should be used quite sparingly.

Does anyone actually care besides me?


Yes, I agree with you.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 12, 2006, 08:29am
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A very good point

Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
I am a member and moderator of another board that uses this same (new) software.

On that board, members CANNOT delete their own posts so can't delete threads) or lock threads. A post can essentially be deleted by going in and editing the content out.

Too many times a good thread is started and the original poster decides he doesn't like the way the thread is going and all of a sudden the thread is gone or locked. Only the moderator should have that power and it should be used quite sparingly.

Does anyone actually care besides me?
I have wondered the same thing. Often there is a great thread that I've wanted to go back to and suddenly its gone.

I think that would be a good addition by not allowing them to delete the entire thread only what they have typed.

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