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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 10, 2006, 02:29am
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All Eyes?

As I read the mechanic, it says all balls that have a chance to bounce over the fence. I assume that balls that are not hit down the lines can bounce over the fence too. That being the case, it appears that all of the umpires on the crew will be watching a lot of big flies while runners are circling the bases. Especially if their coach knows the ball will land deep in fair territory without an outfielder making a play on it and he knows the umpires won't be watching the his runners. If the ball has a chance to bounce over the fence, and the umpires are all watching the ball, who (besides the defensive coach) is watching for the runners to touch the bases? Have a good time trying to explain to the coaches that your mechanic is to watch the ball and not the runners.

If a big fly ball bounces once and almost goes over the fence ... and an umpire steadfastly argues with a coach that the runner touched the base ... does the crew chief rate him down for not following the standard mechanic?

Sounds like this wasn't very well thought out, or maybe was instituted because an umpire with influence in his association had one bad experience with a similar situation ... (knee jerk?)
Bob Proctor
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 10, 2006, 09:44am
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Originally posted by Justme
Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by Justme

With chain link fences, and short foul poles, it is often very difficult for an umpire to determine if the ball left the field in flight or bounced over a fence, or left the field in fair or foul territory. The “all eyes” concept will often be of great help in getting this tough play correct.

That's a problem with the FIELD and not the umpires. Using your example suppose there was a line shot down the the left field line that Bounced over / (under) the fence. If your partner in A was the late Bob Hayes, he couldn't help you.

Another poster made a good comment. It's the LEFT Coast at it again. It's like the Coffee Surveys. One Survey says it';s ok and one says it's bad for the heart.

Once the coaches / players KNOW that BOTH umpires are watching the ball, get ready for the game to resemble a farce. Someone has to watch the action in the infield, otherwise players will take advantage, cut corners, or a defensive player Obstructing a runner.

In a 2 Person crew one has to be responsible for the ball and the other watches the runner. If you have 3 of you then you have some Lee-way. When and if the 2 Person System is changed by either the PBUC or the videos by say Gerry Davis, will they hold credence.

I'm from the East Coast and the Mechanic remains the same. California is different in more ways than one.

Pete Booth
It's not my example, it's the CBUA's example. I figure since my association is a member and they adopted the CBUA's suggested mechanic I'll do it their way... if I want to work for them.

Luckily this situation doesn't happen very often but if they want me to watch the ball along with my partner(s) when it does happen, then watch the ball I shall.

I only use this mechanic when working HS baseball, everything else I do it the old fashion way, the Right Coast way(?)

Yea, the Left Coast is different...... it is usually leading the way..... you'll all catch up sooner or later :-)
Typical left-coast mentality.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 10, 2006, 09:46am
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Re: All Eyes?

Originally posted by Bob Proctor
As I read the mechanic, it says all balls that have a chance to bounce over the fence. I assume that balls that are not hit down the lines can bounce over the fence too. That being the case, it appears that all of the umpires on the crew will be watching a lot of big flies while runners are circling the bases. Especially if their coach knows the ball will land deep in fair territory without an outfielder making a play on it and he knows the umpires won't be watching the his runners. If the ball has a chance to bounce over the fence, and the umpires are all watching the ball, who (besides the defensive coach) is watching for the runners to touch the bases? Have a good time trying to explain to the coaches that your mechanic is to watch the ball and not the runners.

If a big fly ball bounces once and almost goes over the fence ... and an umpire steadfastly argues with a coach that the runner touched the base ... does the crew chief rate him down for not following the standard mechanic?

Sounds like this wasn't very well thought out, or maybe was instituted because an umpire with influence in his association had one bad experience with a similar situation ... (knee jerk?)
Watch, glance, watch, glance.....

I just don't see the big deal. We all do pick up the ball -- it's not like we are fixating on the runners all the way around the bases.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 10, 2006, 11:23am
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Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by Justme

Pete Booth
It's not my example, it's the CBUA's example. I figure since my association is a member and they adopted the CBUA's suggested mechanic I'll do it their way... if I want to work for them.

Luckily this situation doesn't happen very often but if they want me to watch the ball along with my partner(s) when it does happen, then watch the ball I shall.

I only use this mechanic when working HS baseball, everything else I do it the old fashion way, the Right Coast way(?)

Yea, the Left Coast is different...... it is usually leading the way..... you'll all catch up sooner or later :-)

Typical left-coast mentality. [/B][/QUOTE]

Typical left-coast mentality? That's difficult to define.

Out here on the left-coast, A.K.A. the chosen land, we have learned that when you are the best, on top of the world, those in other places and situations will take 'shots' at you for various reasons....usually envy. Go ahead, hit us with your best shot, we just sit back and smile :-)

I bet that you guys would hate the 'other' new mechanic that we have been authorized to use, "The Voluntary Strike"
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 10, 2006, 11:28am
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Re: Re: All Eyes?

Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Watch, glance, watch, glance.....

I just don't see the big deal. We all do pick up the ball -- it's not like we are fixating on the runners all the way around the bases.
I'd add that we can't effectively watch everything.

CA has decided that "getting help" on balls down the line / bouncing over the fence is more important than being certain that a runner touched the base. Others can prioritize it differently.

With the "watch, glance, watch, glance" that Rich mentioned, the umpire might not be sure the runner touched the base, but he's still going to see the gross miss.

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 10, 2006, 01:02pm
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Originally posted by Justme
Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by Justme

Pete Booth
It's not my example, it's the CBUA's example. I figure since my association is a member and they adopted the CBUA's suggested mechanic I'll do it their way... if I want to work for them.

Luckily this situation doesn't happen very often but if they want me to watch the ball along with my partner(s) when it does happen, then watch the ball I shall.

I only use this mechanic when working HS baseball, everything else I do it the old fashion way, the Right Coast way(?)

Yea, the Left Coast is different...... it is usually leading the way..... you'll all catch up sooner or later :-)

Typical left-coast mentality.

Typical left-coast mentality? That's difficult to define.

Out here on the left-coast, A.K.A. the chosen land, we have learned that when you are the best, on top of the world, those in other places and situations will take 'shots' at you for various reasons....usually envy. Go ahead, hit us with your best shot, we just sit back and smile :-)

I bet that you guys would hate the 'other' new mechanic that we have been authorized to use, "The Voluntary Strike" [/B][/QUOTE]

I've personally thought that should be the mechanic for a long time. Once in a while I work with someone where we'll use this.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 11, 2006, 12:41am
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Define Smitty, Rich. I've been told that you work Little League as well. Does that mean you're a Smitty?

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 11, 2006, 10:53am
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Originally posted by BigUmp56
Define Smitty, Rich. I've been told that you work Little League as well. Does that mean you're a Smitty?

First of all, I was talking about someone else, not you.

Secondly, you know one when you see one....or read one

Yes, I work LL. Our district LL staff consists of 3 regular college umpires and all of them work HS games. LL tournaments are the highlight of my umpiring year.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 11, 2006, 10:55am
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Re: Re: Re: All Eyes?

Originally posted by btman
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Watch, glance, watch, glance.....

I just don't see the big deal. We all do pick up the ball -- it's not like we are fixating on the runners all the way around the bases.
it's not a big deal unless the coaches come out on you and say "why were all of you watching the ball and missed that call"?

Then they can throw a tirade. if they come out and complain he missed the bag, "coach, mechanic is we watch the ball and trust that no one cheats."

I guees. It's still weird. [/B]
Coach comes out and my response is:

"Bob, I didn't see him miss the base."

Of course I would change my response if the coach's name isn't Bob.

And nobody can throw a tirade unless you allow it to happen.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 11, 2006, 12:20pm
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NOt quite

Originally posted by BigUmp56
Define Smitty, Rich. I've been told that you work Little League as well. Does that mean you're a Smitty?

Little league has nothing to do with a Smitty.

Those that have been around the game and boards long enough know the difference.

I think it was acutally Carl that made the term pretty famous from what I recall.

I see Smittys all the time working NCAA and down.

Edited to add: And I read Smittys all the time on this board.

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