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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 26, 2006, 10:33am
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Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally posted by mjumpire
Whatz That Blue,
I am in the union and I'm not sure what part of my comments can be met with some skepticism but either way...

To reply to your comments one at a time, I'm glad that you can appreciate the need for a salary increase being that the Milb umpires haven't received one in over ten years. How do you suggest that we ask for a raise? That's a great thing about this country. Is that some times in this country not all people are appreciated for their work and they have the right to advocate for themselves. I would hope as a citizen in this great country you should encourage that. Instead of just rolling over and complaining about it. We went to MiLB and said we believe that our salaries need to be adjusted with the current economy. We are not asking to get rich, we just want them up with todays standards. And MiLB said word for word, " Its not that we don't have the money to pay you, we do, it's that we don't want to pay you." As an umpire yourself, I'm sure you don't let yourself get pushed around by any one, a coach, a player, or even an employer who doesn't respect your services. As for the "Apprentice" comment. I truly believe that we can not be considered apprentices. I would like to know any other profession that you stick to apprentices together and say, go learn your craft. In most, if not all professions, apprentices are paired up with journey men or seasoned professionals and taught their craft. Now moving on to the managers... We as umpires could care less if managers or coaches jump levels. It makes no difference to us! I don't understand where that comes from. What we were concerned with was once they would cross the line and we would get rid of them, is that we were being told to keep them in the game when they should have been ejected. We don't always feel safe at our jobs. A fellow co-worker was telling of a time this year when they were threatened to be raped with a bat after the game. Obviously this guy had already been ejected. As a matter of fact this was the 6th or 7th time that he had been ejected that season. The player was indeed waiting for them by their van (with a bat) and started trying to stir things up. they reported all of this to the league and he was fined $25! No suspension. No support from the league for them. Nothing! These are some of the things we are trying to get worked out. Some of the leagues aren't dealing with administrative problems. We don't want to walk out. We want to work. But we also know when we need to put our foot down and stand up for whatÂ’s right. I do respect your point of veiw and appreciate the feedback. In my position I just disagree.
Unfortunately for you guys, the MiLB teams are more than willing to hire local umpires to take your place. Many have already been called. And those guys will do a good enough job that the AMLU umpires will likely not be missed. Or the owners will play a waiting game until the umpires come back on their terms.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 26, 2006, 11:49am
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Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Unfortunately for you guys, the MiLB teams are more than willing to hire local umpires to take your place. Many have already been called. And those guys will do a good enough job that the AMLU umpires will likely not be missed. Or the owners will play a waiting game until the umpires come back on their terms.
Did you get one of those calls?
My son attended a similar game in your area and had a tremndously enjoyable experience with the banter and overall atmosphere.
Your local High School tennis coach used to be my neighbor.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 26, 2006, 01:03pm
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Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Unfortunately for you guys, the MiLB teams are more than willing to hire local umpires to take your place. Many have already been called. And those guys will do a good enough job that the AMLU umpires will likely not be missed. Or the owners will play a waiting game until the umpires come back on their terms.
Did you get one of those calls?
My son attended a similar game in your area and had a tremndously enjoyable experience with the banter and overall atmosphere.
Your local High School tennis coach used to be my neighbor.
Which town/village? Drop me an email. I've been asked to fill in previously, but not this time, no. I did work a HS basketball game with the GM of an affiliated team and he has my card (mainly as a basketball contact), so we'll see. Not sure I'd do it, though. Doesn't pay very well, considering the ball you'd have to work and the distance from my house
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 26, 2006, 07:38pm
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According to a press release from the President of the MiLB union, one of the issues they want discussed is control over players/coaches/skippers who are ejected. While your friend's tales was horrific it is no different than any other low-level managers. Since you didn't like the term 'apprentice', maybe you would be more content with that. Both are appropo, since you are not considered very valuable to the entity. Let's face it, your years of training don't mean a hill of beans to the guy counting butts in the seats. He likes controversy and if his manager pushes the umpire's buttons, that sells more tickets. The stands were full and ESPN loved televising the Alomar-Hirshbeck reunion. The union has made a negotiating point out of having more control over disciplinary issues. They want hefty fines and penalties that transfer when a player/coach/skipper moves around. That should not be a bargaining chip when you are seeking better compensation. As I've alluded to before, the union needs better focus. If they couldn't get what you wanted a year ago, they needed to rethink the strategy or disband.

If you've read my past posts, you'll know we have much in common. I do sympathize with your plight. However, I can also sympathize with the amateur umpire who will take those games because he wants a chance to prove himself and/or needs the money. When the MLB guys went out on strike, amateurs stepped in and did the job. How can anyone say that amateurs can't do the job on a MiLB field? C'mon, you just can't - with a straight face anyways.

Despite what a couple of members have written, I'm too old to do the job there anymore. But, I've properly trained enough guys that could do it. If your union asks you to walk, you have a very difficult decision to make. Once you turn your back the dream ends. You won't get that chance again and that is really the sad part of this whole mess. You've invested an awful lot in your goals. Remember that when it comes time to cast your vote. Don't hate the guys who take the games either. We all have priorities - I hope that MiLB blinks but wouldn't bet on it.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 26, 2006, 09:10pm
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WBC assignments

Alan Roper

Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here - CPT John Parker, April 19, 1775, Lexington, Mass
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 27, 2006, 01:11pm
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Re: WBC assignments

Originally posted by jumpmaster

hmmmm... well, that French figure-skating judge isn't listed, so that's a plus
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 27, 2006, 08:09pm
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Lightbulb Re: no more flaming, just FACT

Originally posted by orangeump
I know for a fact if my brethern go on strike at the Minor League level, I am going to be at my local Midwest League game watching the three ring circus taking place ....
If my brethren were to go on strike, it would not feel proper for me to breach their picket.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 27, 2006, 08:56pm
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Re: no more flaming, just FACT

Originally posted by orangeump
ya know Blue, you keep talking all of this and that about "being informed"
You are behind the scenese apparently and know all I guess.

If big leaguers were to go on strike, how many games would tey have to fill with umpires? Lets say roughly 16 a night, so tahts 64 umpires in 16 cities, correct? Since MLB plays in mainly, I would say all, MAJOR cities in the USA, you are going to be able to find qualified officials who can go out there for a few weeks and NOT get into any major trouble...thats a big, big assumption though really.

Ok, so the Minor League guys strike, big deal, we just get those same 64 guys to come wait, there are 260 some odd Minor League umpires that they have to find spots for.

Give me a break, you guys say that the teams want to fill these spots with locals, get real. I have been around and have obvious locals working, its a joke. These guys are pooping themselves just taking lineups cause they dont know what they are doing out there. The game is 100% different from anything they have ever seen before.....I know for a fact if my brethern go on strike at the Minor League level, I am going to be at my local Midwest League game watching the three ring circus taking place as Johnny JuCo ump walks to the plate in his grey ballbags standing on the plate for the national anthem.
These teams WANT and NEED professional umpires to work their games. They understand the importance of quality officiating, its the higher ups that are wanting to save a dime here and a dime there.

Get real.
I couldn't stop laughing...thanks for the gag post. When the MLB umpires went out on strike the world did not end. The MLB administration plumbed the local groups for the best guys out there and they got them. The replacement umpires did a great job and a few were convinced to pursue the career.

You say that a local Juco umpire can't handle a Rookie league game. Yet, those same amateurs stepped onto Fenway, Comiskey, Busch, Wrigley and Yankee fields to do the job. Yes, the nerves were on edge but the job was done and sleep was had by all.

Maybe you aren't capable of doing the job and need to feel better about yourself. Okay, you are a great umpire and the world awaits the next morsels of wisdom from your brain.

While a few ex-pros are working the WBC, those professional players will just have to suffer through guys who will wet their pants getting the line up cards. (grin, chuckle, snort)
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 01, 2006, 11:58pm
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I'm very excited to see Casey Moser and Chris Griffith are working the WBC. I recently attended the 2006 Southwest Texas Umpire Clinic that they ran. These guys are amazing umpires and a real pleasure to hang out with. I hope I do not see any of our local officials working MiLB games in our town.
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