Originally posted by PABlue
T and Rich,
PIAA here in PA mandates that any official( not just BB ) have the PIAA patch on there uniform shirt.We also are under direction to READ (PIAA's emphasis ) the sportsmanship message that is in the NFHS rulebook. That way if there are any problems with uniforms, or equipment it is on record at the begining of the games that the Head coach has agreed that his players are legally equipped. It also focuses the teams and coaches on how PIAA feels about "good" spotsmanship.
Each official dresses in the same manner and does the same pre-game which hopefully makes the officiating groups seem more professional.(At least to start the game) LOL
I started my officiating "career" in PA, so I remember the keystone patches. I don't remember wearing a PIAA hat back then, though....it was almost 20 years ago. The thing I find funny is that people actually think the patches "mean" something. Heck, I had a patch at 18 years old and knew nothing, but some people would pay more for "patched" umpires.
My plate meeting involves ground rules and lineup exchanges and I ask whether the players are legally equipped. I might mention good sportsmanship if I don't know the coaches. It's a quick meeting.