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My son's team was playing in a USSSA tournament this weekend. The umpires were being very nit-picky to begin with. Example, there was no base coach chalk line to indicate where he had to stand, but our coach got warned in 2 different innings rudely by the umpire. But when the hometown coach was out on the field standing in the same spots, nothing was said.
But, one of the board members (again, playing a hometown team) came to our dugout in the last inning as we were playing defense to tell the coach that he needed to put his count indicator away or else he would be ejected! We have 2 coaches keeping track with one, just in case! He said it was illegal, is that true? I've been to alot of games and seen alot of things, but this is way off the charts. We talked to the tournament director after the game was over and he was even surprised and apologized. I approached the man who rudely talked to our coach (my husband) and told him I wanted to see the set of rules that stated it was illegal. He didn't have any of course, but he said they go by 3 different sets of rules: USSSA, OSSAA (Oklahoma Secondary School Activities) and Major League. The tournament was advertised as a USSSA tournament, didn't know there were 2 other rules that we had to abide by also! I have searched all 3 sites and cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone know? Or is this totally off the wall to you too? Reply would be appreciated! Thanks... |
The FED rule is rather specific...
I haven't got my books but it seems like a scorebook or a PDA (to keep score/batters count) are allowed. I don't believe an indicatorclickertingymabob is specifically mentioned. But I'm thinking that an indicatorclickertingymabob in the hands of a coach is exactly the right place... ![]() Don't know about USSSA rules but they are probably similar. But I'm with the camp that feels "Who in the heck cares?"
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford |
Welcome to the forum. Coaches with indicators? Fine with me; I need all the help I can get. mick |
I wonder what the WHOLE story is here. I am willing to bet that you did not tell it. Peter |
I'm siding with Peter on this one. I don't think we're getting the whole story.
I suspect it was more along the line, "Hey blue. What do you mean Ball 3? I'm showing it should have been two strikes!" or "Hey blue. Does your indicator have the same numbers on it that mine does? Jerry |
Read again - it was not even the umpire who mentioned the indiclickercounterpacifier. It was some random board member, who probably has absolutely no authority during a tourney. Love it when board members get involved during a game.
Reminds me of a PeeWee football game last year, where as we're setting up for the next play Ref and I (HL) hear the Linesman yell, "GET OFF THE FIELD!" We look over, and someone is approaching the referee from behind trying to tell us we are calling something wrong. Ref throws his flag, blows his whistle, and tells him again to get off the field. "But I'm a board member!" "No, sir. You are now an ejected fan. You need to leave the facility." We actually had to get Field Admin (who, uncomfortably for him, actually reported to this Board Member in his real job) to remove him from the facility. PS - I, too, feel like we have about 1/3 of the story here. |
Fed Rule states
A coach, player, substitute, attendant or other bench personnel shall not... i. have any object in his possession in the coach's box other than a rule book, scorebook, a Personal Digital Assitant (PDA) or comparable electronic score-recording device which shall be used for scorekeeping purposes only; So... Overly Officious Official may technically be correct... but as others have said here, as long as it's not a megaphone with an indicator taped to the side "Who cares?"
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford |
Jerry, I got the impression the coaches were using them on offense, and were warned by the overly-ambitious board member when they got back to their dugout.
But neither is specifically stated, so either of us could be right. |
I've often used an indicator just so I can keep track of the count. I don't use it to try to disagree with the officials.
It has much to do with the level of play also. I just like to know so I can tell Johnny there are two outs and run on a fly or more specific Billy has two strikes, Johnny be ready to go. I now use a PDA but not when I'm coaching a base. Too much to do. |
To mcrowder:
The original post said the coaches were in the dugout and their team was on defense . . . "But, one of the board members (again, playing a hometown team) came to our dugout in the last inning as we were playing defense to . . ." Jerry |
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