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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 26, 2005, 10:23pm
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Almost had this tonight, 9-12 game Dixie, OBR. I'm in A, ball popped up hih, down first baseline, F3 comes out to catch it, base coach just stands there, F3 realizes hes about to run into the coach, adjusts, takes a step around the coach and makes the catch for the 3rd out.

After the play I walked over to the coach and politely reminded him that he has to clear out if the fielder is going for a legal play. He gets all defensive and says its his right to stay in the coaches box, and there is no coach interference on a foul ball. I just smiled and said Okay, i'll have to look that one up. His team ended up loosing 12-0, so the incident was no big deal.

I'm saying it could have been interference on the coach, had he in my judgement prevented the attempt at the catch, and I'm using OBR 7.11 as my reasoning. Am I right?

Also where does it say he has the right to stay in his 'box'? ;-)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 26, 2005, 10:33pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally posted by danreeves1973
Almost had this tonight, 9-12 game Dixie, OBR. I'm in A, ball popped up hih, down first baseline, F3 comes out to catch it, base coach just stands there, F3 realizes hes about to run into the coach, adjusts, takes a step around the coach and makes the catch for the 3rd out.

After the play I walked over to the coach and politely reminded him that he has to clear out if the fielder is going for a legal play. He gets all defensive and says its his right to stay in the coaches box, and there is no coach interference on a foul ball. I just smiled and said Okay, i'll have to look that one up. His team ended up loosing 12-0, so the incident was no big deal.

I'm saying it could have been interference on the coach, had he in my judgement prevented the attempt at the catch, and I'm using OBR 7.11 as my reasoning. Am I right?

Also where does it say he has the right to stay in his 'box'? ;-)
Yes, you are right. He does not have the right to stay in the box if it interferes with a fielder making a catch.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 26, 2005, 11:15pm
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You are, of course, right. 7.11 is one of the rules that I can [and do] quote verbatim on the field when I need to explain a ruling.

And, no criticism of your handling, but you didn't ALMOST have the sitch - as soon as the fielder had to "adjust" to go around Coach Stonewall, you HAD interference. I think most of us would do as you did, and wait to see if the defender was able to catch the ball, but if the "adjustment" was a major hinderance, and made the play a much tougher chance than it would O/W have been, I'd be inclined to call it and not care if the catch was made or not. PARTICULARLY if coach saw the fielder coming, had ample opportunity to get out of the way, and remained planted 'cause he was "in HIS box".
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 03:57am
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I agree.. 7-11.. love that rule. I have nailed a coach on that my rookie year as it was an easy rule to remember.

Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.
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