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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 12, 2004, 09:09am
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Send a message via ICQ to Carl Childress
Babe Ruth lives?

Yesterday, I had a double-header -- solo. My partner didn't show up even though I checked with him just three hours before game time.

Since I assign for that League, I wonder when he can expect another game.

To the point:

My first season was 1954!

Since that time, I've had some amazing events happen in my games:

1. I had a college no hitter.
2. I had a college around the horn triple play, 5-4-3.
3. I had several high school no hitters.
4. I had one high school perfect game, 21 up, 21 down.
5. The San Diego chicken gave me the eye test at Oklahoma St. v University of Texas Pan-Am. Bobby Witt struck out 18 (in a seven-inning game!) and walked 14.
6. I was behind the plate when Steve Flores, head coach for PSJA Bears now, hit three consecutive home runs in one game.
7. I was behind the plate when Weslco executed a triple play against Brownsville Pace, with the Weslaco catcher making all three tag outs.
8. I called the 1991 New York City High School All Star Game, behind the plate at Yankee Stadium.

And speaking of the Yankees:

Yesterday in the 18u (Harlingen v McAllen) game, the first baseman/pitcher (Danny Giroua (a Japanese-Anglo) for Harlingen came to the plate and said as follows: "Omar, I'm gonna park one."

Omar, McAllen catcher, said: "Sure, Danny. And it's going over the 400 foot sign, Right."

Danny: "No, 20 feet shorter than that. It's going over the left-field 380 mark."

First pitch.

You know what happened. Omar and I watched, amazed, as the ball left the park. It was a monster shot, probably bouncing onto the roof of the Pizza-Hut across the street from the field.

Imagine what would have happened if....

Well, the next time he came to bat, he struck out looking. "How could you do that to me?" he asked, grinning. "I called my shot."

Said I: "So did I, Danny, so did I."

Heat index: 112 degrees. No clouds. Seven hours for the two games. McAllen won both.

Today: Rio Grande Valley Athletics v Los Fresnos. It's a coast city, so the breeze will keep things cooler.
Papa C
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 12, 2004, 10:21pm
JJ JJ is offline
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Gee - a solo DH, and only 112 heat index Today I did a D1 college alumni game. Top of the first the first alum gets hit by the pitch. I say "Take your base". He says "NO - I didn't drive 5 hours to walk to first base - I wanna hit!"
Same game I got to ring up Darren Fletcher - former Expos all-star - on a great breaking ball. He looked at me and said, "I really should have hit that one" and the catcher said "At least there was a day when you COULD have!".
I had two college (D3) no-no's by the same pitcher against the same school exactly a year apart - the winning coach asked if I wanted his whole schedule the following year.
I did a juco tournament 15 years ago where five of the six games were decided by one run and the championship was a three run dinger in the bottom of the 12th.
I did a high school game where I called a runner safe at second on a whacker of a steal and the DEFENSIVE team and their fans all cheered - seems their pitcher had struck out all 19 of the outs registered, and after my call got the last two on K's - for a total of all 21 in the 7-inning game!
I did an Independent Minor League game where the winning pitcher had 25 strikeouts - at that time a "professional" baseball record (so I was told), and I not only was on the local sports channel that night but Sports Center as well ringing up #25 (ah, my 15 minutes of fame...).
And yes, I too got to play with the San Diego Chicken. Even got a Christmas card from him the following Christmas. That guy gets around!
I did a D2 World Series where the umpires dressed in the football stadium and were taken by van to the field two blocks away - we had a car go out of control and hit a power pole outside our lockerroom and, since we had two-way radios, we called game management to send an ambulance right away. They thought one of the umpires had a heart attack...
And then there's the Tom Ravashire story about the umpire whose wife cleaned the attic and discovered a box with 3 baseballs and $400 cash in it. She asked him and he admitted that every time he'd been unfaithful over his years as an umpire he put a ball in the box. She was willing to deal with 3 times in 20 years - then she asked about the $400. His reply - "Every time I got a dozen balls in the box I sold them!"
It's been fun. And I'm not done...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 14, 2004, 07:09am
Gee Gee is offline
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Re: Babe Ruth lives?

Heat index: 112 degrees. No clouds. Seven hours for the two games.

I don't doubt what you say but at your age I do doubt your playing with a full deck. Keep the will current. G.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 14, 2004, 07:11am
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Re: Re: Babe Ruth lives?

Originally posted by Gee
Heat index: 112 degrees. No clouds. Seven hours for the two games.

I don't doubt what you say but at your age I do doubt your playing with a full deck. Keep the will current. G.
I wear ankle to wrist UnderArmour, drink lots of water, and make love three or four times a week. I'm not sure which of the three is the most important.
Papa C
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 14, 2004, 09:03am
JJ JJ is offline
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How does one make love wearing UnderArmour? Oh, never mind...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 14, 2004, 09:09am
Join Date: May 2004
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Drum roll, please

This one was put on a tee...take your pick.

"What is his name?"

"Does your wife know?"

"I put ice in my Wonderbra."

"Viagra...the wonder drug!"

"Sometimes, I wear my UnderArmour, while making love underwater."

Relax, Carl, humor is good for the soul. Laugh with us...
Levity was in order after our last go around.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 14, 2004, 09:20am
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Talking Re: Re: Re: Babe Ruth lives?

Originally posted by Carl Childress
I wear ankle to wrist UnderArmour, drink lots of water, and make love three or four times a week.
There you go again, Carl. How can all these editing errors get by?

That should read "and make love three of four times, weakly."
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 15, 2004, 07:52am
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Did someone challenge his manhood again? That's usually when this "resume" post shows up from time to time on the boards over the years.

[Fade to sirens in the background.] Reporter: "Carl Childress has been taken to the local hospital AGAIN to have his fractured arm set in a cast. Seems he was found to be patting himself on the back too hard again although doctors have warned him in the past that this was counterproductive activity. Carl will now have to cut back on his umpiring because he cannot place the ball on the tee at this time. Doctors expect a full recovery though."

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 15, 2004, 12:35pm
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Re: I guess that..........

Originally posted by Been Dare

......."xxxxx" post hit a little too close to home, huh Carl, since it's the only one that got deleted?

My, my, my; aren't we thin-skinned?
I don't have any rights to delete messages on this Board. If it was deleted, one of the administrators did it. You'll note that none of my posts are missing. That's the only way a regular contributor can get rid of someone's message other than his own.

But I understand why your post is gone. Based on the snippet you included here, I would say it was typical of your posts, where bad taste (no pun intended) abounds.

It appears you would be more at home on McGriff's.

[Edited by mick on Sep 15th, 2004 at 07:21 PM]
Papa C
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 15, 2004, 05:56pm
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Come on Guys!

After the 1st 2 posts, I thought this would be a late season rehashing & trading of baseball stories. The new posts leave most of us just shaking our heads...

This site is for BASEBALL, not all that crap!

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 15, 2004, 09:41pm
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Thumbs down And exactly what was wrong........

....with my last post, that got it deleted?

C'mon Dudley Doo-right, you and your sidekick, Barney Fife
surely have more worldliness and common sense about you, than that.
Well, maybe not. No sense in rushing to judgement, as you two seem to do....or is it just that you have a problem with my name?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 15, 2004, 10:06pm
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Re: And exactly what was wrong........

Originally posted by Been Dare

....with my last post, that got it deleted?

C'mon Dudley Doo-right, you and your sidekick, Barney Fife
surely have more worldliness and common sense about you, than that.
Well, maybe not. No sense in rushing to judgement, as you two seem to do....or is it just that you have a problem with my name?
Your last post was viewed as being inciting and not insightful.
You seem to detract, subtract and attack.
Stay and play nicely, or go away again.
Your choice.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 16, 2004, 07:57am
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Red face

Yeah, whatever dad..........
Can I have the car keys back now?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 16, 2004, 08:17am
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by Been Dare

Yeah, whatever dad..........
Can I have the car keys back now?
...But, drive carefully. Pretend your Mom is in the car with you.
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