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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 26, 2004, 09:19am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 8
My question is, can either team protest once all infielders have left the field(crossed the lines). I thought game was over at that point an no appeal or any other action could take place at that point. It sounds like the game came out the way it should have anyway, but that it was handled badly by the protest committee. Also, couldn't the batter runner have been called out for intentionally removing his helmet while the ball was "live", thereby ending the game? Not the best solution but one that might work I'd think.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 26, 2004, 10:26am
DG DG is offline
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Location: North Carolina
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Originally posted by dpr528
My question is, can either team protest once all infielders have left the field(crossed the lines). I thought game was over at that point an no appeal or any other action could take place at that point. It sounds like the game came out the way it should have anyway, but that it was handled badly by the protest committee. Also, couldn't the batter runner have been called out for intentionally removing his helmet while the ball was "live", thereby ending the game? Not the best solution but one that might work I'd think.
I think you are thinking about appeals, which must be made before the infielders leave the infield. Either team can protest, although there is generally only one team wanting to do so. A protest must be made at the time of the play in question, on rules interpretations only, and could be made before the next pitch if the the infielders have left the field. In OBR, a protest can be made until noon the next day if the play was a game ending play. In FED, a protest can be made until the umpires leave the field on a game ending play. Local rules will vary on when or if a protest can be made. The PBUC says the umpiring crew shall get together when a coach says he is protesting, review the rule in question and determine that the ruling is correct before accepting his protest and announcing that the game is being played under protest. If the rulling is incorrect they can correct the ruling.

In FED it would be a team warning for removing a helmet during live ball, and ejection on the next offender. In OBR there is no warning or penalty for removing a helmet.
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