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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 12, 2004, 01:13am
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How about calling outs for throwing bat? Or out if they don't slide at home? Or maybe the plate is in foul territory?(there's LOTS of folks that believe that one.)

Nope, when I work different leagues, I use the rules setforth by Williamsport, and add local rules. If they clash, I'll stick with Williamsports version, and write a really neat protest report if needed. Hard to go wrong that way.

And 9.01(c)is a rookie crutch. I tried to go that route when I was green too.

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 12, 2004, 09:00am
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Posts: 458

Quoth DG:
Local leagues are going to add whatever extra rules they like and there is no need grumbling about it. Learn what they are and play by them. No big deal. Classic exmpale is time limits. Many have them, especially in the younger age groups. You can't go to the plate meeting and say "we are not going to use that local rule because it is not endorsed by the home office".

Quoth me:

DG: read my post again: "local rules" can't vary PLAYING RULES - timelimit rules A.) aren't playing rules B.) don't conflict with any playing rules C.) are actually allowed by some of the National rule books (or at least provided for in the Book)

Next, as for the plate meeting, if some coach brings up one of these boogers at the plate meeting [never happened to me, but there is always a 1st time], I'll do exactly what I advocated: ask to see the letter from National. If he doesn't have one [he won't], or in the usual case, where it don't come up 'till it happens on the field, I ump by the published book.

Now, as to "you might as well say you are going to walk all the batters" - DG, there is a difference, and you seem knowledgeable enough to recognise it. If [halleleujah!] Bonko throws a BB belt high over the middle & I "Ball" it, I may be sending a message, but "judgment" has nothing to do with it. If, on the otherhand, I determine that the 11th hit batter was NOT a mistake & toss the offender(s), esp. after I have had a discussion with Coach about it, that IS judgment, and the only valid beef with me is that I didn't "recognise" what was going on when the 2nd thru 10th HBP happened.

Lastly, as to "local leagues are going to add whatever they want" - WHERE IS THE UIC? Local leagues only do garbage like this when their UIC is A> clueless, or B> spineless.

And: PS {yea, I just said "lastly"] - I only said do this if you ABSOLUTELY MUST poke in - in 9-10 ball, the kids who are seriously wild seldom throw hard enough to hurt anyone; and if Bonko's coach is stupid enough to put the whole batting order on w/ beaners, it's his funeral, and fewer pitches on average than if Bonko walks 'em in the usual manner. I'm good with it. My point is that we can get to where we have to be within the published rules, and this nonsense of "must slide", etc. is a waste of time.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 12, 2004, 09:52am
DG DG is offline
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Playing a time limit is adding a rule. Having a rule that requires a pitcher to be removed when he hits x batters is adding a rule. Neither of these examples is varying the existing rules.

And I have seen a player in 9-10 get hit in the nose and the blood went off like a geyser. When I used to coach 9-10 I once had a 10 year that could throw 65 MPH. Had it on radar gun. So if the league wants to add a rule that gets rid of a wild pitcher without me having to work it out with the coach, then I'm all for it, in the interest of safety.
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