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Old Thu Feb 09, 2017, 02:40pm
BigCat BigCat is offline
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Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
I don't mind halves, but I like what NCAA-W has done with quarters and two shots at five. Prevents a lot of rough play on the front end of 1-and-1s. So if remaining at or reverting to quarters in order to employ this bonus scheme, I'm all for it.

Agree, but I'm with Rich in that this should be a state-by-state adoption, formally endorsed by NFHS as an option. There are some places where it just wouldn't be necessary; very few of the possessions I've seen this year have been of the "delay" variety. For those states that do add the SC, I wouldn't mind a multi-year phasing-in period so that states/schools have time to plan for funding of the new equipment and rules modifications.


And lastly, I'm going to respectfully disagree with Rich on the coach TO issue. I concur that I usually know when to anticipate a TO call by the coach, and with three of us on the floor, at least one of us will usually get it right away. But there are occasional times when we just don't see or hear the request, and then the coach blames us and things get testy. I also hate when, on a loose ball, I have to figure out player control while a voice behind me---who is usually the HC but sometimes isn't---is calling for TO, and process all of that information in less than a second. I'd rather I just have to get the TO request from a player in my field of vision.
It appears as if you are breaking up your posts in hopes of avoiding the $10 fine for excessive words in a post. I suppose i won't ever be able to collect that either…

On a serious note, i'm ok with the seatbelt rule simply because so many coaches want to stand all the time. It's just another reminder that they need to modify their behavior or go start the bus.

Last edited by BigCat; Thu Feb 09, 2017 at 02:48pm.
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