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Old Thu Feb 09, 2017, 12:23pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
I hate babysitting coaches, and that includes the seatbelt rule. Especially for indirect T's. I don't think making coaches sit because of the way their bench acts is necessary-this coming from someone who does not put up with BS from assistants.

At least for SC, if the $300 fine and suspension aren't enough of a deterrent from poor behavior, the seatbelt rule isn't going to do anything. If more T's happen because of no seatbelt rule, I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing. Just toss the coach if he continues to act up after the first T. Force the coach to be in control of his own behavior, standing or sitting.
As long as officials aren't avoiding TCB because of their knowledge of the fine that will result, I have no problem with the process.

My experience in other states that fine coaches is that associations and officials took more crap because they were aware of the fine and didn't want to appear heavy handed.

(If there's a fine for a single technical foul, that's ludicrous, IMO.)

Originally Posted by SE Minnestoa Re View Post
Shot clock is really hard to administer with two officials. In Minnesota, most games outside the metro are still two officials.
I find it hard to believe that Wisconsin has gone from way behind most everyone in implementing 3-person officiating to almost 100% at the varsity level.....and other places are still using 2 officials.

I'm thankful, but find it hard to believe.

I am working 3 youth games on Saturday morning 2-person (5 minutes from home, $35, games on the hour) and I wonder how many times I'll forget to look in the corner or go opposite as the L on free throws.

OnTopic: I think the shot clock is an unneeded expense and should be left up to the states by the NFHS.)
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