Mon Jan 16, 2017, 08:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Indiana
Posts: 81
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Okay. Read it as you would be one uniform IF you had a national before 2020.
Being the pessimist that I am, what I envision is umpires showing up in 2017/2018 with nothing by ASA logo and others with only an USA logo. Or a UIC who prescribes one specific uniform and an umpire knows what s/he wears locally must be the official uniform and shows up without that which is needed. You would think that there wouldn't be issues like this at nationals, but it happens. For a group that that has a job which includes providing rules and directions, some umpires are not very good at following direction themselves. 
I agree with that 110%