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Old Wed Dec 21, 2016, 04:39am
udbrky udbrky is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 38
How well can you talk with a whistle in your mouth? "I'm not going to come to your next game and act like this. I expect you to extend the same courtesy."

If he won't remedy his actions, I'd mention it to your assignor. Fans/coaches/players know who we are. You act like that, and it sets an example that no official should ever set.

This is one area where it's nice to become friends with more experienced officials in your crews. It helps learn how to deal with this imo.

Had a similar situation this summer.

Worked a couple baseball games with a coach that made it known he's an umpire and would argue calls here and there - not enough to warrant an EJ, but enough to annoy you.

Then this fall, I worked with him. When I put it together who he was, I was nervous, I didn't know if he would be a jerk on the field, try to step on my calls or what. Turned out to be a different guy.

Talked to others, he's just like that when he coaches - just a real ******* who argues a bunch, and he does it because he likes it.
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