Disconcerting the FT shooter
Last night V4 is shooting 2nd FT at the end of a game.
Entire home team stands and shouts just before she goes into her shooting motion and as she shoots.
Currently Viewing: 9.1.3
Link to Article Rule
ART. 3
After the ball is placed at the disposal of a free thrower:
a. He/she shall throw within 10 seconds to cause the ball to enter the basket or touch the ring before the free throw ends.
b. The free thrower shall not fake a try, nor shall any player in a marked lane space fake to cause an opponent to violate.
c. No opponent shall disconcert the free thrower.
The penalty is another shot if missed.
Question for the forum.
Would you consider the bench opponents and penalize this action?
I say yes yet I want you vets opinion please...
BigT "The rookie"