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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2016, 10:07pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: SE Ohio
Posts: 1,234

Airborne shooter A1 is fouled by B1 after the ball is released on the try. Playing time for the second quarter expires while the unsuccessful try is in flight. Since no players are required to line up for the free throws, Team B's head coach takes the team to the locker room to begin the intermission.

RULING: Team B's head coach is assessed a direct technical foul for permitting team members to leave the bench/court for an unauthorized reason. Even though no time remains on the game clock, the quarter doesn't end until A1's free throws are completed; therefore, the technical foul is part of the second quarter. A1 will attempt the two shooting-foul free throws followed by any Team A member attempting the two free throws for the technical foul. The Team B head coach has lost coaching-box privileges for the remainder of the game. The third quarter will begin with the alternating-possession procedure. (5-6-2 Exception 3)
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